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Sunday, Feb 7 2016

American Bridge’s Marco Roboto & Rubio Talking Point 3000 Take New Hampshire By Storm

Feb 07, 2016

American Bridge thought the Marco Rubio campaign might need some backup while they reboot the RubioBot to avoid another debate malfunction. So we’ve sent our own Marco Robotos to New Hampshire through the primary, programmed full of talking points to fend off the press while they fix their version’s glitches.

Take a look at the latest from New Hampshire with American Bridge’s Marco Robotos:

New York Daily News:
MSNBC Marco Roboto

Meet The Press:
NBC Marco Roboto


Daily Mail: Marco malfunction! Robot Rubio is roundly mocked for New Hampshire debate after he repeated same line FOUR TIMES
Rubio TP 3000 Daily Mail

News coverage was merciless. The New Hampshire Union Leader said that he had been “rocked” by Mr. Christie. “Choke!” blared the front page of The Boston Herald, which is widely read in southern New Hampshire.

A WMUR focus group after the debate revealed that voters were unimpressed. And an operative for the Democratic research group American Bridge, Eddie Vale, greeted reporters outside Mr. Rubio’s morning appearance dressed as a robot, with a colander on his head and a large cardboard box over his torso labeled “Rubio Talk Point 3000.”

Jane Timm Marco Roboto

De La Cuetara Marco Roboto

Published: Feb 7, 2016

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