WATCH: Iowa Debate Review: GOP Needs Trump
We knew it would happen but we didn't think it would be just this boring: Donald Trump overwhelmed a sleepy…
GOP Establishment Might Have Already Missed The Train
Less than a week to Iowa and only two weeks to New Hampshire has the GOP infighting at Red Wedding…
GOP's gone negative chasing Trump
Everyone's paying attention today to how negative Marco Rubio's been on the trail, but it's been a trend among the…
Time Is a Flat Circle. Marco Rubio Hates His Job, Doesn't Show Up For Work: Part ∞
Rubio embarrassed himself on TV yesterday by promising obstructionist grandstanding that Senate procedure prevented him from following through on -- he…
Trump's Dominance Has The GOP Field Using His Rhetoric And Policy Proposals
No candidate used last night's GOP debate to meaningfully criticize Donald Trump's proposed Muslim ban. Jeb Bush -- who maintains…
Not-So-Happy Hour Debaters Renew Support For Trump Nomination
All four happy hour debaters set the bar for the prime time debate when they renewed their support for Donald…
Rubio Tries To Make ACA Senate Accomplishment Out Of Nothing
The rub to Marco Rubio's five years in the Senate is that he doesn't have a single major accomplishment to tout. Immigration…
GOP: The Party Of Trump & The Conservative Fringe, With Not A Profile In Courage To Be Found
Donald Trump's divisive, xenophobic rhetoric tonight has prompted a display of how the leaders of the GOP are unwilling to…
Marco Rubio's Right: He's As Extreme As Ted Cruz On Immigration
Marco Rubio told press today that he doesn't believe Ted Cruz's position on immigration is "dramatically different" from his own.…
Rubio Still Has Serious Unanswered Questions On Finances
It's understandable that few believe Marco Rubio when he says he paid personal charges on his Republican Party charge card…