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Friday, May 4 2018

Kevin Nicholson's comments on military service upend Wisconsin U.S. Senate race

May 04, 2018

“Kevin Nicholson’s double-down on his shameful attack against Democratic veterans defies logic,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “You’d think he would have backed off after Wisconsin veterans explicitly demanded he apologize for his comments – but Nicholson clearly fears being branded as a former Democrat above all else.”


Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Kevin Nicholson’s comments on military service upend Wisconsin U.S. Senate race

By Bill Glauber | May 3, 2018

  • “With a catchy campaign slogan, ‘Send in the Marine,’ Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kevin Nicholson’s greatest asset for office may be his career serving in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But in the span of a week, Nicholson has threatened to turn that asset into a potential liability by appearing to politicize military service.”

  • “But recently, his campaign hit turbulence over his comments on his service, especially when he questioned ‘the cognitive thought process’ of veterans who are Democrats. And Nicholson isn’t backing down.”
  • “According to excerpts of an email Nicholson will send to supporters Thursday, he wrote: ‘While I know and respect veterans who are Democrats — I personally do not understand how veterans who sign on the dotted line to defend and protect our Constitution from all enemies — foreign and domestic — can vote for Democrat politicians who routinely demean and belittle that same Constitution, its principles and the importance of our nation’s security.’ ‘I’ll never apologize for saying that, ever,’ he wrote.”

  • “Meanwhile, nine Republican veterans, including Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald of Juneau, issued a public letter calling for a Nicholson apology.”


Read the full story here.


Published: May 4, 2018

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