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Social Security

News Greg Gianforte Social Security Wednesday, Oct 7 2020

NEW VIDEO: What You Need To Know About Greg Gianforte

Watch the video here Ahead of the Montana gubernatorial debate tonight, American Bridge 21st Century released a new video highlighting…

Tuesday, Mar 10 2020

ICYMI: Opinion: Scranton Times-Tribune: Opinion: At Scranton Town Hall, Trump lets truth slip on plans for Medicare, Social Security

The following op-ed from American Bridge President Bradley Beychok is running in today’s print edition of the Scranton Times-Tribune. It…

Thursday, Mar 5 2020

QUICK CLIPS: Trump AGAIN Admits Medicare & Social Security In His Sights WATCH: Trump: “...Oh. There will be cuts.” Tonight, during a Fox News Town Hall, Donald Trump again admitted he is…

Monday, Mar 2 2020

OUTSOURCED: Trump’s Continues “Promises Made, Promises Broken” Tour in Tar Heel State

Trump Failed to Protect North Carolina Families from Outsourcing Tonight, Donald Trump stumps in North Carolina continuing his “Promises Made,…

Friday, Oct 14 2016

American Bridge Statement on Kelly Ayotte's Disastrous Debate

Statement from Jessica Mackler, president, American Bridge, on Senator Kelly Ayotte’s disastrous debate this morning: “Kelly Ayotte continues to prove…

News Friday, Jun 17 2016

George W. To Fundraise For His Social Security "Privatization Champion" Portman

For better or worse (we all know how it turned out for Jeb!), former President George W. Bush is "helping" vulnerable…

Tuesday, Apr 12 2016

Trump Supporter John Kasich Is No Moderate

John Kasich this morning intends to juxtapose "Two Paths" for America; his, of "optimism," and Donald Trump's "path to darkness." Kasich…

Thursday, Apr 7 2016

How's Social Security Work? Don't Ask Sharron Angle Or Joe "Pyramid Scheme" Heck

A new report from Roll Call reveals that Nevada GOP Senate candidate Sharron Angle had no idea how Social Security worked as…

Thursday, Feb 25 2016

GOP Will Cut Safety Net Programs Like Social Security, Medicare Out From Under Most Vulnerable

Marco Rubio was hoping to deflect attention on his failure to release his tax returns by talking about his mom's…

Wednesday, Feb 17 2016

Marco Rubio Does The Kochs’ Work On Earned Benefits

Speaking with Anderson Cooper, Marco Rubio sounded like he's prepared to personally bear the burden facing seniors if he cuts…

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