Path 2

Tuesday, Apr 12 2016

Trump Supporter John Kasich Is No Moderate

Apr 12, 2016

John Kasich this morning intends to juxtapose “Two Paths” for America; his, of “optimism,” and Donald Trump’s “path to darkness.” Kasich seems to think he has a lofty and pure moral standing over Trump just because he hasn’t repugnantly mocked another candidate’s wife on Twitter.

Good for him — but John Kasich is no better than Donald Trump. Kasich’s “zero chance” quip ruling out a run as Trump’s VP means nothing. Because so long as John Kasich refuses to revoke his support for Trump as the GOP nominee, Kasich is enabling Trump and his xenophobia and misogyny.

John Kasich continues to tolerate and accept Trump at his worst rhetorically, and he’s just as right-wing as Trump when it comes to policy:

Extreme anti-choice positions: As governor of Ohio, Kasich has “signed and supported some of the most stringent anti-abortion legislation in the country.” Kasich signed 16 antiabortion measures between 2011 and 2015, including a twenty-week abortion ban without rape or incest exceptions. And in February of this year, Kasich followed through on a longtime promise to defund Planned Parenthood in Ohio.

Hard-line anti-immigrant policies: “Finish the wall…I think the country can get around that.” That’s John Kasich’s plan for bringing the country together. Kasich is against a path to citizenship, and opposed to DACA and sanctuary cities; but he does think Latinos are hardworking, so “uh, that’s why in the hotel you leave a little tip.”

Attacks on public employee unions: As governor, Kasich advocated and signed legislation stripping public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights.

Opposition to giving working families a raise: “It’s very important that we don’t raise the minimum wage willy-nilly.”

Plans to cut seniors’ earned benefits:“You’re gonna have to get over [reduced benefits].” That’s John Kasich’s stance on Social Security. But it isn’t just that, Kasich similarly plans to make cuts to Medicare.

Support for a Federal Judeo-Christian values agency: Foreign policy novice John Kasich’s revealed his master plan for solving the world’s problems with a proposal for “a new government agency to push Judeo-Christian values around the world.”

Kasich Extreme Positions

Anti Abortion

Kasich Signed 16 Anti Antiabortion Measures Between 2011 And 2015. According to The Boston Globe, “Consider that, since Kasich took office in 2011, he has signed into law 16 antiabortion measures. These include a ban on abortions after 20 weeks; a mandatory ultrasound for women having abortions in clinics that receive state funding; and a provision in the state’s budget bill that prevents rape crisis counselors from providing women with information about abortion services.” [Boston Globe, 9/4/15]


Kasich’s Abortion Restrictions Forced Half The Abortion Clinics In Ohio To Close.According to The Boston Globe, “Onerous regulations on abortion providers have led half the abortion clinics in the state to shut down. All of this would seem to reflect Kasich’s ‘Christian moral imperative’ too.” [Boston Globe, 9/4/15]


Kasich’s Decision On Whether Or Not To Support Legislation Banning Abortions For Fetuses With Down Syndrome Is Still To Be Determined. According to The Boston Globe, “Last month, two GOP lawmakers in Ohio introduced a bill banning abortions in cases in which a fetus has been diagnosed with Down syndrome. Kasich has so far been mum about whether he will sign the legislation.” [Boston Globe, 9/4/15]


Planned Parenthood Funding In Ohio Was  Cut By $1.4 Million. According to The Boston Globe, “Kasich, as governor, cut Planned Parenthood’s funding in Ohio by $1.4 million.” [Boston Globe, 9/4/15]


Anti Labor

Kasich Stripped Ohio Public Sector Unions Of Their Bargaining Rights. According to The Boston Globe, “And though Scott Walker has become the poster child for the GOP’s assault on labor rights, Kasich also pushed legislation stripping public sector unions in Ohio of their collective bargaining rights — only to have the move up-ended by a ballot initiative in which 60 percent of Ohio voters went against their governor.” [Boston Globe, 9/4/15]


Agency To Spread Judeo-Christian Values

Kasich Proposed A New Government Agency To Spread Judeo-Christian Values Around The World. According to NBC News, “As part of a broad national security plan to defeat ISIS, Republican Presidential candidate John Kasich proposed creating a new government agency to push Judeo-Christian values around the world. The new agency, which he hasn’t yet named, would promote a Jewish- and Christian-based belief system to four regions of the world: China, Iran, Russia and the Middle East.” [NBC News, 11/17/15]


Kasich Defended His Record For Cutting Government Agencies, Despite His Plans To Introduce The Judeo-Christian Values Agency. According to NBC News, “He defended creating a new government agency at a time when fellow Republican presidential candidates discuss eliminating government agencies to making the government smaller. ‘There’s nobody who’s spent more time shrinking government and cutting budgets than I have,’ Kasich, the former head of the House Budget Committee said, adding that not all government programs are equal.” [NBC News, 11/17/15]

Published: Apr 12, 2016

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