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Thursday, Mar 5 2020

QUICK CLIPS: Trump AGAIN Admits Medicare & Social Security In His Sights

Mar 05, 2020

WATCH: Trump: “…Oh. There will be cuts.”

Tonight, during a Fox News Town Hall, Donald Trump again admitted he is ready and willing to cut Social Security and Medicare if re-elected to a dangerous, unchecked second term in office. 

“Donald Trump, once again, doubled down and reaffirmed that cuts to Social Security and Medicare are not just in sight but will be a priority if re-elected. Seniors worked their whole lives – paying into earned benefit programs, and Trump is treating them like political pawns so that he can sign even more tax cuts for the rich into law,” said American Bridge Spokesperson Kyle Morse. “This shot over the bow should shock Americans everywhere. It raises the already sky-high stakes in this election, and we will continue to remind voters that Trump and his economic priorities aren’t just backward but will harm seniors and their families.”

Just weeks ago, while schmoozing with CEOs at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Donald Trump admitted that if re-elected, he will break his promises to hardworking Americans by seeking dangerous cuts to their hard-earned benefits like Social Security and Medicare.


  • 2019: Trump Proposed A Budget That Cut Medicare Spending By $845 Billion Over 10 Years. According to The Washington Post, “The Trump budget also promises to slow spending on Medicare, the federal program that gives health insurance to older Americans, by $845 billion over the next 10 years, in part by limiting fraud and abuse and payments to hospitals. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump said he would not cut Medicare or Social Security, the retirement program for the elderly, but his budget last year also included a proposed cut of more than $550 billion to the program.” [Washington Post, 03/11/19]
  • Trump Told Republican Member of Congress, “He Would Not Touch Social Security ‘Until The First Day Of His Second Term.” According to Business Insider, “When asked about Trump’s level of seriousness on the issue, the Republican said the president would not touch Social Security ‘until the first day of his second term, he told me once.” [Business Insider, 12/15/17]
  • Republican Member of Congress Spoke On Condition Of Anonymity. According to Business Insider, “The Republican member of Congress spoke with a small group of reporters Thursday about a wide range of subjects on a condition of anonymity. The member said both parties and past administrations were to blame for a lack of effort to reform entitlements, citing a gap in leadership on the issue. ‘Until you have an administration willing to actually tackle entitlement reform, the idea that Congress is just going to magically produce it on its own,’ the lawmaker said. ‘Entitlement reform always takes leadership at the presidential level, and it also takes — by the way, real reform takes bipartisanship.” [Business Insider, 12/15/17]

Published: Mar 5, 2020 | Last Modified: May 15, 2020

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