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Medicare & Medicaid

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Friday, Jul 30 2021

As Medicare Turns 56, GOP Eyes Cuts

On the 56th anniversary of Medicare being signed into law, President Biden and Democrats in Congress are considering proposals that would shore up and expand Medicare and its benefits, while Senate Republicans once again float deep cuts to the program in order to preserve tax loopholes for their richest corporate backers. In short, it’s a clear contrast: Democrats are pushing reforms that would strengthen Medicare’s benefits and empower the…

Wednesday, Aug 5 2020

NEW VIDEO: Gov. Parson is Bad for Kids, Bad for Missouri

American Bridge 21st Century released a new video blasting Gov. Mike Parson for failing Missouri’s children. The video features Parson’s…

Tuesday, Mar 10 2020

ICYMI: Opinion: Scranton Times-Tribune: Opinion: At Scranton Town Hall, Trump lets truth slip on plans for Medicare, Social Security

The following op-ed from American Bridge President Bradley Beychok is running in today’s print edition of the Scranton Times-Tribune. It…

Friday, Mar 6 2020

FLASHBACK: Gianforte on Entitlements: “There’s nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement”

During a Fox News town hall yesterday, President Trump stated—yet again—that he would slash Medicare and Social Security if given…

Thursday, Mar 5 2020

QUICK CLIPS: Trump AGAIN Admits Medicare & Social Security In His Sights WATCH: Trump: “...Oh. There will be cuts.” Tonight, during a Fox News Town Hall, Donald Trump again admitted he is…

Monday, Mar 2 2020

OUTSOURCED: Trump’s Continues “Promises Made, Promises Broken” Tour in Tar Heel State

Trump Failed to Protect North Carolina Families from Outsourcing Tonight, Donald Trump stumps in North Carolina continuing his “Promises Made,…

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