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Tuesday, Sep 27 2016

Trump's Guide to Losing a Debate

Donald Trump's post-debate strategy this morning was just about as bad as his real debate strategy last night: 1.) Attack a…

Tuesday, Sep 27 2016

Trump is the Worst, the Absolute Worst–on Fox & Friends this Morning

Instead of repairing his meltdown from last night's debate, Donald Trump went on Fox & Friends to disparage Alicia Machado, the former…

Monday, Sep 26 2016

Manic Meltdown: Trump's Night As Interrupter In Chief

When Donald Trump wasn’t trying to erase the facts, he was interrupting Hillary Clinton.  WATCH:

Monday, Sep 26 2016

Trump's War On Women

Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump has launched openly sexist attacks against journalists (e.g., calling Megyn Kelly a "bimbo"), defended past remarks calling women…

Monday, Sep 26 2016

Unstable. Unpredictable. Unfit.

Donald Trump thinks that his temperament is his greatest asset? He is proving tonight just as he has time and…

Monday, Sep 26 2016

He's racist.

Donald Trump reverted back to the same racist insults and mentality he’s spewed throughout this campaign and his life. He…

Monday, Sep 26 2016

Trump-Pence Loves Outsourcing

Donald Trump is once again talking a tough game about protecting U.S. jobs, but his and Mike Pence's records on…

Wednesday, Sep 21 2016

Ever Want To Know How To Outfox Trump?

In advance of Monday's presidential debate, American Bridge today launched a new resource, "How to Outfox Trump." Facts are inconsequential to Donald Trump, and…

Friday, Sep 2 2016

ICYMI: Kelly Ayotte Bear Hugs Donald Trump In Primary Debate

Last night Kelly Ayotte embraced Donald Trump more than ever before. We saw who Kelly Ayotte has been and would…

Thursday, Sep 1 2016

MEMO: ​Kelly Ayotte Has Been A Disappointment Representing The Granite State In The U.S. Senate

Tonight, Senator Kelly Ayotte will appear in the first debate of the New Hampshire Senate race against Republican primary opponent…

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