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Wednesday, Sep 21 2016

Ever Want To Know How To Outfox Trump?

Sep 21, 2016


In advance of Monday’s presidential debate, American Bridge today launched a new resource, “How to Outfox Trump.” Facts are inconsequential to Donald Trump, and he has no problem shifting positions and ducking not only the hard facts but also what he’s said, when he’s challenged on his lies.

How to Outfox Trump” uses videos of Trump’s efforts to dodge the truth, allowing debate-watchers the opportunity to anticipate Trump’s attempts to weasel out of his past positions and statements, from mocking a reporter with a disability and going bankrupt six times, to being a racist birther and supporting the invasion of Iraq.

American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on the project’s launch:

“From his years of birtherism to his support for the Iraq War, Donald Trump hasn’t hesitated to distract, distort, and outright lie about his well-documented record. Trump dances around the truth and ducks the facts when challenged, but he isn’t immune to accountability, so we’re here to cut through Trump’s smoke and mirrors and let voters know where he really stands — whether he remembers or not — on the issues.” 

Published: Sep 21, 2016

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