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Wednesday, Mar 18 2020

GASLIGHTER/DENIER: Trump: “I’ve Always Known This Is a Pandemic.”

After months of downplaying the threat of COVID-19 and failing to prepare the United States for a global pandemic that…

Wednesday, Mar 18 2020

QUICK CLIPS: Trump: “That’s Been the Story of Life,” Wealthy People to the Front in COVID-19 Testing

During today’s Coronavirus Task Force press conference, Donald Trump made it alarmingly clear that the wealthy will have access to…

Wednesday, Mar 18 2020

Amidst COVID-19 Crisis, Trump & Family Continue Illegally Profiting off of Taxpayers at Doral Resort

"With a looming public health crisis on the horizon, Donald Trump, again, sought to corruptly leverage his power to personally…

Tuesday, Mar 17 2020

NPR: Poll: Americans Don’t Trust What They’re Hearing From Trump On Coronavirus

“For months, Donald Trump dangerously downplayed the risks of COVID-19 and stumbled over himself to take credit for a lackluster…

Mitch McConnell Monday, Mar 16 2020

McConnell and Senate Republicans Do Nothing While Americans Suffer From Coronavirus Crisis

Fresh off enjoying a long weekend, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are supposedly back in Washington this week. But while they…

Thursday, Mar 12 2020


*Excluding all countries with a Trump Resort “In the middle of a global pandemic, it comes as no surprise to…

Monday, Mar 9 2020

UNHINGED: The Trump Coronavirus Response: Unprepared, Erratic, In Denial

As the Coronavirus outbreak continues to spread and with nearly one-in-three Americans living under a state of emergency, Donald Trump’s…

Monday, Mar 9 2020

WATCH: Out-of-Touch Trump Parties During Coronavirus Chaos

With nearly one-third of all Americans under a state of emergency, an out-of-touch Donald Trump, family, and campaign staffers threw…

Friday, Mar 6 2020

Make America Sick Again: Trump to Campaign From Mar-A-Lago Amidst Public Health Crisis

During the Coronavirus public health crisis, rather than doing his job as president, Donald Trump is jetting to his Mar-A-Lago…

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