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South Dakota

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Wednesday, Jan 11 2023

House Republicans Signal Cuts to Major Entitlement Programs, Echoing GOP Presidential Field

With a new majority in the House, Kevin McCarthy and Republicans are shamelessly readying to cut Social Security and Medicare for millions of Americans — threatening a government shutdown over legislation that the majority of Americans oppose. House Republicans are not alone in this attack on working families and older Americans. Republicans across the country with 2024 presidential aspirations have made their extreme stances against…

Tuesday, Feb 8 2022

Gov. Noem campaign received contributions made by right-wing extremist, killer

In Response American Bridge Released a Video Highlighting Her Unscrupulous Fundraising Ties In case you missed it, yesterday the Argus…

Monday, Jan 31 2022

Awash in Scandal, Another Disastrous Week for Kristi Noem

Despite unified GOP control in SD, Noem can’t even deliver on her right-wing priorities  Last week, from a series of…

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