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GOP 2024 Presidential Hopefuls News Articles Press Releases Marco Rubio Rick Scott Ron DeSantis Environment Monday, Oct 3 2022

ROUND UP: FL’s Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio are Hypocrites on Disaster Relief Funding

Oct 03, 2022

2024 presidential hopefuls Ron DeSantis, Rick Scott, and Marco Rubio are all being hypocrites when it comes to disaster relief funding. Just last week, shortly after Hurricane Ian hit their home state – Rick Scott voted no on a bill containing $2 billion in disaster relief. The bill passed with bipartisan support. 

Meanwhile, both Ron DeSantis and Marco Rubio are being called out due to their opposition to federal relief funding for Americans in New York and New Jersey who were devastated by Hurricane Sandy as they’re trying to make sure federal dollars get to Florida. They’re hypocrites who are playing a dangerous and inhumane game by letting partisan politics dictate their support for disaster relief funds. 

See coverage: 

WATCH: CNN State of the Union: Marco Rubio on Voting Against Federal Aid after Hurricane Sandy but Petitions Senate Appropriation Committee for Hurricane Ian 

New York Times: DeSantis, Once a ‘No’ on Storm Aid, Petitions a President He’s Bashed

By Matt Flegenheimer | 9/29/22 

Key Excerpt: 

  • “As a freshman congressman in 2013, Ron DeSantis was unambiguous: A federal bailout for the New York region after Hurricane Sandy was an irresponsible boondoggle, a symbol of the ‘put it on the credit card mentality’ he had come to Washington to oppose.”

  • “Nearly a decade later, as his state confronts the devastation and costly destruction wrought by Hurricane Ian, Mr. DeSantis is appealing to the nation’s better angels — and betting on its short memory.”

Washington Post: The latest: Sen. Scott (Fla.) votes ‘no’ on bill including $2 billion in disaster relief

By John Wagner and Mariana Alfaro | 9/29/22

Key Excerpt: 

  • “Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) on Thursday voted against a stopgap funding bill that included $2 billion in disaster relief as his home state is battered by Hurricane Ian.”

  • “The bill passed by a 72-25 bipartisan vote and is now headed to the House.”

Published: Oct 3, 2022 | Last Modified: Oct 4, 2022

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