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Governor Georgia

David Perdue

David Perdue Kelly Loeffler Wednesday, Nov 18 2020

The Kelly Loeffler & David Perdue Opposition Research Hub

Our website,,  provides free and searchable thematic reports on Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue's corruption, as well as highlights…

David Perdue Thursday, Nov 5 2020

David Perdue: Getting Rich While Georgians Suffered

American Bridge launched a new video in prep for the expected runoff between David Perdue and Jon Ossoff. The video highlights Perdue’s…

Wednesday, Aug 12 2020

Collins, Loeffler, & Perdue Share Ticket W/ Racist Conspiracy Pusher

Last night, a racist, anti-semitic conspiracy theorist named Marjorie Taylor Greene won the Republican congressional primary in Georgia’s 14th District. Greene is a proud “QAnon” conspiracy theorist who has made a string of racist and anti-semitic remarks

Sunday, Apr 12 2020

Martha McSally Should Put Money Where Her Mouth Is and Return $40,000 in Contributions From Senators Accused of Insider Trading

Tonight, The Hill reported that Senator Martha McSally and top Trump adviser Larry Kudlow slammed Georgia Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue…

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