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Wednesday, Aug 12 2020

Collins, Loeffler, & Perdue Share Ticket W/ Racist Conspiracy Pusher

Aug 12, 2020

Last night, a racist, anti-semitic conspiracy theorist named Marjorie Taylor Greene won the Republican congressional primary in Georgia’s 14th District. Greene is a proud “QAnon” conspiracy theorist who has made a string of racist and anti-semitic remarks that brought widespread denunciation even from Republicans, except for Senate candidates Doug Collins, Kelly Loeffler, and David Perdue. Collins has already endorsed Greene’s campaign, and Loeffler and Perdue are likely to follow. 

“This tin foil hat-wearing, racist fringe figure is now on the ballot with Doug Collins, Kelly Loeffler, and David Perdue, and they’re going to have to answer for Marjorie Taylor Greene’s views whether they like it or not,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Doug Collins has already endorsed Greene’s racist, ant-semitic campaign, and we’re sure Loeffler and Perdue will rush to follow his lead as usual. But regardless of whether they publicly endorse Marjorie Taylor Greene, their refusal to denounce her hateful views means they will own every crackpot and racist remark she makes from now through election day.”

Published: Aug 12, 2020

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