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Tuesday, Sep 12 2017

Bruce the Bully Fails Illinois Students

Rauner said he’d fix Illinois… but he’s done nothing of the sort. Rauner has spent his time bullying the state…

Thursday, Aug 24 2017

Bruce the Bully Creates More Chaos

The closer to the 2018 election, the more Trumpian Gov. Bruce Rauner becomes. Just last night, Rauner’s fury caused another…

Thursday, Aug 17 2017

MEMO: After #ALSen Defeat, Mitch McConnell Looks Weaker than Ever

To: Interested Parties From: Jessica Mackler, President, American Bridge 21st Century Date: 8/17/17 Subject: After #ALSen Defeat, Mitch McConnell Looks Weaker than Ever The…

Tuesday, Aug 15 2017

American Bridge Launches “Bully” ad Targeting Rauner Veto

Governor Bruce Rauner’s disastrous veto of a school funding bill that would have re-worked a school funding formula currently considered…

Friday, Aug 11 2017

QUICK CLIP: News 4 Nevada: Spineless Dean Heller Says He’s “Pleased” with Health Care Outcome After Supporting Failed ACA Repeal

Dean Heller’s ever changing position on health care continues to mystify and anger Nevadans. After promising he’d vote against Trumpcare,…

Wednesday, Aug 2 2017

Rauner Bullies, Illinois Schools To Open Without State Funding

Yesterday, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed a school funding bill that would not only fund schools for the upcoming school…

Friday, Jul 21 2017

ALL (LITTLE) HANDS ON DECK: Gillespie Would “Absolutely” Welcome Trump to Campaign With Him

It’s official. Ed Gillespie has wrapped his arms around Donald Trump saying he "absolutely" would welcome the President to campaign…

Friday, Jul 14 2017

Collusion? I Don’t Care, "I Love It" Week Gets Dragged Across the Coals by Editorial Boards

All across the country, local editorial boards are taking Donald Trump to task - on everything from his disastrous climate…

Thursday, Jul 13 2017

ICYMI — USA Today: Donald Trump said to have threatened USGA with lawsuit if it moved women's Open

"Of course Trump threatened to sue when his profits were at risk because for him, nothing is more important than…

Monday, Jul 10 2017

David Brock: This Is Collusion

American Bridge Chairman David Brock released the following statement on Donald Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort, his son-in-law and senior…

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