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Thursday, Aug 24 2017

Bruce the Bully Creates More Chaos

Aug 24, 2017

The closer to the 2018 election, the more Trumpian Gov. Bruce Rauner becomes. Just last night, Rauner’s fury caused another staff shakeup, only a month after the last mass staff shakeup.

American Bridge spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following comment:

“Rauner, like Trump, is a bully who sows chaos wherever he goes. But while Rauner storms around firing people and vetoing bills that fund Illinois schools, Illinois families pay the price. Rauner can continue to fire his staff, but if he wants to find the real problem with his chaotic administration, he should look in a mirror.”

Just take a look at the headlines below for striking similarities between Rauner and Trump.

High Staff Turnover
New York Magazine: ‘Trump Fires Anthony Scaramucci 10 Days After Hiring Him’
Forbes: ‘Donald Trump’s Communications Director Resigns After Just Three Months’
Chicagoist: Rauner Office Has Another Major Staff Shakeup, Amid ‘Racist’ Cartoon Fallout.
WTTW: Massive Overhaul in Governor Rauner’s Administration
WCIA: Turnover in Gov. Rauner’s “Turnaround Administration”
Politico: ‘Rauner’s Top Political Aide Jumps Ship Amid Office Chaos’
Chicago Tribune: ‘Rauner ‘Body Man’ Fired First Day On Job After Racially Insensitive, Homophobic Tweets Surface’

Administrative Chaos
Vox: ‘The Trump Administration’s Chaos Has Reached An Astounding New Level’
Crain’s Chicago Business: ‘Rauner Rips CPS ‘Raid’ As Chaos Spreads In His Government’
Crain’s Chicago: ‘Has Bruce Rauner lost it?’
Illinois Chronicle: ‘Rauner Administration In ‘Chaos’ As Governor Blames Staff, Turns To ‘Hardline’ Political Right’

Deflecting Blame
CNN: ‘Donald Trump Just Threw His Entire White House Staff Under The Bus’
Washington Examiner: ‘Trump Blames McConnell For Obamacare Repeal Fail’
Chicago Tribune: ‘Rauner Blames Press Team For ‘White Male’ Statement, Says Aides Weren’t ‘Good Fit’’
ABC 7: ‘Gov. Rauner Blames Speaker Madigan For Blocking Education Funding’
Vandalia Radio: ‘Governor Rauner Deflects Blame For Failed ‘Grand Bargain’ Budget.’
Chicago Sun Times: ‘KADNER: As Schools Starve, Rauner Bellyaches.’

Abdicating Responsibilities
Bloomberg Opinion: ‘Trump Has Already Abdicated His Role As Head Of State’
Quad-City Times Opinion: ‘Rauner Abdicated His Duties’

Criticism Over Response To Racism
MSNBC: ‘Why Won’t Trump Call Charlottesville Attack Terrorism?’
Chicagoist: ‘Rauner Slammed For Initial Refusal To Call Charlottesville Attack Terrorism’
WTTW: ‘Legislators Condemn Rauner’s Reaction To Political Cartoon’

Published: Aug 24, 2017

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