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News Thursday, Sep 20 2012

VIDEO: Christie/King 2016?

Chris Christie will be traveling to Iowa today to attend a fundraiser for embattled Representative Steve King, whose recent comments…

News Tuesday, Aug 7 2012

MEMO: The Record Todd Akin Wants You To Forget

To: Interested Parties From: Matt Thornton, Senior Communications Adviser, American Bridge 21st Century Date: 8/7/2012 RE: The record Todd Akin wants you to forget With Todd Akin’s stumble across the finish line in Missouri’s GOP primary tonight, The Republican party has nominated a candidate whose views are way outside the mainstream, and lacks the commonsense to make our government work for the people. From favoring a government default to his opposition to Medicare, Akin has proven his view fall far afield of most Missourians. These major flaws will prove problematic when he attempts to appeal to the broader general electorate. Once voters hear about his visceral plan to dismantle Social Security and Medicare, while supporting the Paul Ryan budget which gives major tax breaks to the wealthy, they will see him for what he is: a hyper-partisan more interested in rigid ideology than helping the citizens of Missouri. Secondly, he is an unabashed big spender when using the Taxpayer's credit card. He even went so far as to run a campaign ad touting pork he had secured. When compared with McCaskill’s leadership on earmark reform, Akin’s defense of government largesse will prove a difficult pill for voters to swallow.

News Friday, Jul 13 2012


Today American Bridge unveiled a new website,, featuring video tracking footage and comprehensive research books on likely Republican vice presidential contenders. Check out the site here.

News Wednesday, Apr 11 2012

Romney Surrogate Once Condemned His Veto Of Women's Health Care Funding

WASHINGTON -- Gov. Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, in an obvious panic over the ever-increasing gender gap, today sent out numerous statements from female supporters. In their haste, though, it appears they looked over some crucial details. Reps. McMorris Rodgers and Bono Mack are flawed messengers on women's issues because they both opposed the wildly popular Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

News Taxes Friday, Jan 27 2012

MEMO: 12 Things We Could Learn From Previous Romney Tax Returns

ICYMI: With Mitt Romney still refusing to release his pre-2010 returns, we wanted to be sure that you saw our previous memo explaining why it is so important that Mitt Romney release them. Click through for the 12 questions that Mitt Romney needs to answer by releasing his previous years’ tax returns.

Josh Mandel Friday, Jan 27 2012

ProgressOhio: AWOL Mandel

On January 26, 2012, ProgressOhio posted the following:

Only one day after the Associated Press reported that Ohio Treasurer and Senate candidate Josh Mandel has never attended a Board of Deposit meeting, he skipped yet another one to attend a high-dollar fundraiser in Washington, DC. American Bridge trackers caught Mandel on his way to the fundraiser in DC, as well as his absence from the Board of Deposit meeting.

News Tuesday, Jan 10 2012

VIDEO: Romney's Ugly Coronation

Though Mitt Romney has spent 5 years of his run for President mired at 25%, there is one group that is signaling their singular support: the Washington Establishment. And Karl Rove, the king of conventional GOP wisdom is working double-time to make sure rank-and-file Republicans know it's time to fall in line. Through his constant television appearances and weekly op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Rove has consistently favored Mitt Romney and done what he does best: work to tear down any credible rival to Romney. He declared Romney’s tie with Santorum “a big win for Romney in Iowa.” He systemically unleashes harsh critiques of the latest what he calls “the GOP’s not Romney.” He defends Romney’s gaffes and policies, including the Massachusetts health care plan most Republicans dislike. For Rove, helping the favored candidate of Wall Street is an important sign of trust for the billionaire executives that Rove relies on for contributions. For Romney, earning Rove’s embrace is the successful culmination of six-years of saying anything to win the support of the Washington Republican establishment.

News Friday, Dec 9 2011

Romney's History Of Desperate Attacks

As we learned from the 2008 campaign, the more desperate Romney gets, the more negative he becomes. This week is the beginning of the 2012 edition of Mitt Romney's GOP Desperation Express. His negative campaigns are kissing cousins of his positive campaigns in one regard: He'll say and do anything if he things it will help him get elected. During the 2008 campaign, Romney launched attacks against every one of his major rivals-- Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani. His Republican opponents said of the ads: “distortion,” “hypocrisy,” “lying,” “desperate,” “dishonest,” “simply aren’t true,” and “clear willingness to say and do anything for political gain.” While the Republican candidates disagreed on much, there was a general agreement that Romney’s relentless attacks were unfair. Many commentators argued that the ads backfired – helping to propel Huckabee and McCain to come-from-behind victories in Iowa and New Hampshire. But in 2008 and 2012, a scorched-earth campaign is the only strategic path for a candidate who has shown for six years that the appeal of his positive message is limited to 25% of Republican primary voters. It’s not just the negativity of Romney’s attacks that turns off voters, it’s that their message reinforces Romney’s key weakness. In 2008 and now, Romney launched harsh immigration attacks accusing opponents of supporting “amnesty” when he had earlier defended the same plan and said it was “not amnesty.” He bashes opponents as career politicians despite his 17-year political career. He attacked John McCain for opposing tax cuts that he had refused to take a position on. He went after Giuliani for pro-choice views despite his own long history of claiming to support abortion rights. These obviously hypocritical attacks may help explain why nearly half of Republican voters believe Romney “will do or say anything to win.” As we learned from the 2008 campaign, the more desperate Romney gets, the more negative he becomes. This week is just the beginning.

News Thursday, Dec 1 2011

Allen's Fake Supporters

First George Allen was caught faking endorsements from the Tea Party. Now, as reported by NBC Washington and Progress VA, it appears he's featuring fake photos of his supporters on his website: [gallery link="file" columns="2" ids="10272,10271"]

News Saturday, Oct 29 2011

Paul Ryan Townhall – 10/28/11

The following video was recorded at a Paul Ryan townhall event in Wisconsin on October 28, 2011.

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