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Tuesday, Jan 10 2012

VIDEO: Romney's Ugly Coronation

Jan 10, 2012

TO:      Interested Parties
FR:      Bill Burton, Priorities USA Action
Ad:      American Bridge 21st Century &Priorities USA Action
RE:      NEW SOCIAL MEDIA AD on Rove’s Attempt to Pre-Empt Voters with a Romney Coronation

Though Mitt Romney has spent 5 years of his run for President mired at 25%, there is one group that is signaling their singular support: the Washington Establishment. And Karl Rove, the king of conventional GOP wisdom is working double-time to make sure rank-and-file Republicans know it’s time to fall in line. Through his constant television appearances and weekly op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Rove has consistently favored Mitt Romney and done what he does best: work to tear down any credible rival to Romney.

He declared Romney’s tie with Santorum “a big win for Romney in Iowa.” He systemically unleashes harsh critiques of the latest what he calls “the GOP’s not Romney.” He defends Romney’s gaffes and policies, including the Massachusetts health care plan most Republicans dislike.

For Rove, helping the favored candidate of Wall Street is an important sign of trust for the billionaire executives that Rove relies on for contributions. For Romney, earning Rove’s embrace is the successful culmination of six-years of saying anything to win the support of the Washington Republican establishment.

Conveniently for this political marriage they are both dedicated to the same agenda: Protecting their donors and colleagues on Wall Street at the expense of the middle class.

You just have to wonder if voters are ready to be told by Karl Rove and the Washington establishment who they should be supporting in this primary.


Rove: Tying Santorum In Iowa “A Big Win For Romney.” Despite most political observers saying Romney came in below expectations by tying Santorum in Iowa, Rove said the caucus was “A Big Win for Romney in Iowa.” Rove devoted the entire op-ed to praising Romney and questioning the viability of his opponents. [Wall Street Journal, 1/5/12]

Rove Op-Ed Dedicated To Criticizing “GOP’s Not-Romney.” Rove used his Wall Street Journal column to attack Rick Perry, the latest “not-Romney,” calling his remarks “unpresidential.” Rove also claimed that Republican primary voters were only concerned with selecting the person they perceive to be the most electable and judged the campaign structure, polish of television ads and fundraising numbers to help determine their choice. [Wall Street Journal, 8/17/11]

Rove In Newsmax Criticized All Other Candidates, Praised Romney. In an interview with right-wing website Newsmax, Rove praised Romney and said he would be able to win the conservative base because he is so dedicated to defeating Barack Obama. Rove individually criticized all the other Republican candidates. [Newsmax, 11/29/11]

Rove Defended Romney On $10,000 Bet: Not A Big Mistake. On Fox News, Rove defended Romney’s $10,000 bet debate gaffe saying, “I didn’t think it was a big mistake.” Rove then attacked the media for covering the $10,000 bet. [Fox News]

Rove: “Big Differences” Between RomneyCare And Obama Health Reform. Rove claimed that there are “big differences” between RomneyCare and the national health reform law, a position at odds with most Republicans. Rove also claimed that the Obama Administration gave Romney a “Christmas gift in August” by pointing out that that health care reform was modeled on Massachusetts. [Fox News]

Bill O’Reilly: Rove Favors Romney. On his Fox News show, Bill O’Reilly told Rove: “I think you think Governor Romney is the best.” [Fox News]

Right-Wing Radio Host: “Rove Is Not An Analyst, Rove Is A Mitt Romney Cheerleader.” Right-wing radio host Mark Levin said, “…Rove is not an analyst, Rove is a Mitt Romney cheerleader.” [Mark Levin Show]

After Gingrich Agreed To Trump Debate, Rove Said Candidates Should Not Participate. On Fox News this morning, Karl Rove said that Republican candidates should not participate in the debate hosted by Donald Trump. Gingrich was the first candidate to agree to Trump’s debate. Rove attacked Trump’s financial disclosure, television show and said, “I think the Republican National chairman ought to step in and say we strongly discourage every candidate from appearing in a debate moderated by somebody who’s going to run for president.” Gingrich had agreed to the debate Saturday. [Fox News, 12/5/11; USA Today, 12/4/11]

Rove Praised Romney, Criticized Gingrich During Newsmax Interview. According to Newsmax, “Analyzing the major Republican candidates, Rove observes: Mitt Romney can win over the conservative base because the right is going to be “wired up” about defeating President Obama at all costs. Newt Gingrich mania “is real, but the question is how focused and disciplined is he going to be with his message as the primaries approach.” Rove believes Gingrich’s stance on immigration will cause him problems in Iowa.” [Newsmax, 11/29/11]

Rove Consistently Attacked Latest Alternative To Romney. Mediate: “It’s not just Gingrich, after all. A look at Rove’s criticism over the past year matches up very well with the volatile top of the Republican primary polls.” [Mediaite,12/5/11]

Political Director Of American Crossroads Also Leading Romney Super PAC. The Political Director of Rove’s American Crossroads, Carl Forti, is also leading Romney’s Super PAC, Restore Our Future. [Politico, 6/24/11]

Published: Jan 10, 2012

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