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Thursday, Oct 29 2015

Rubio Was Wrong: Anti-Middle Class Tax Plan In Light Of Day

Marco Rubio couldn't hide the truth about his regressive tax plan at last night's debate. Unfortunately for Rubio, multiple analyses…

Wednesday, Sep 9 2015

Jeb’s Tax Plan: Another Round Of Bush Tax Cuts For The Wealthy

MEMO TO:                 Interested Parties FROM:           Jessica Mackler, President, American…

Friday, Aug 21 2015

WATCH: Trump Pushes The GOP Towards Extremism On Birthright Citizenship

The offensive term "anchor babies" used to live on the far-right fringes of the Republican Party -- now stopping birthright…

Tuesday, Aug 11 2015

Mission Accomplished?

Hoping that no one Googles him and discovers not just his last name, but also his support for his brother's foreign…

Tuesday, Jul 21 2015

Ayotte Allies Want To Take Jobs From New Hampshire

Kelly Ayotte's record on outsourcing is shameless. While she was supposed to be representing the people of New Hampshire in the…

Monday, Jun 29 2015

Bridge Brief — Week of June 29th, 2015

The Supreme Court last week did what the Republican Party refuses to: It respected the Affordable Care Act as the law of the land and deemed it unconstitutional to ban people the right to marry based on their sexual orientation. The momentous decisions will continue to ripple into the campaigns of those running for the White House this week, putting in stark relief the GOP's inability to offer positions and policies that reflect the direction America is moving, not the way they hoped it was. None of the GOP's leading presidential candidates celebrated the decision to legalize gay marriage. Their responses ranged from woefully tepid (see Jeb Bush's contradictory statement on preserving the freedom to discriminate based on sexual orientation) to the laughably extreme (see Bobby Jindal's suggestion to eliminate the court). In the week ahead we can expect more of the same, as the GOP further reinforces their image as hopelessly out of touch. It's not just about Scott Walker proposing a constitutional amendment -- all it's going to take is one question for Chris Christie about Social Security and we'll see his announcement transform into an anchor for the whole party.

Thursday, May 14 2015

'Misoverestimated': Jeb Bush's Terrible Week

It's only Thursday and it wouldn't be a stretch to say Jeb Bush has had the worst week of any presidential candidate this cycle. He's aligning himself with his brother's disastrous foreign policy, running scared from the conservative wing of his party, flubbing answers to simple questions and, unsurprisingly, tanking in the polls. Speaking in the language coined by his brother, Bushism, it looks like we "misoverestimated" Jeb and his bid for the White House. Take a look at Bush's wince-inducing week:


Politico: Was Jeb dropped on head as a child?: "So to fully appreciate the importance of Jeb’s revelation that George W. will be his chief adviser when it comes to the Mideast, you’ve got to keep in mind that Jeb’s entire campaign is built around one selling point: Jeb is the smart one in the family." New York Times: Wow, Jeb Bush Is Awful: "The bottom line is that so far he seems to be a terrible candidate. He couldn’t keep his 'I’m-my-own-man' mantra going through the spring. He over-babbled at a private gathering. He didn’t know how to answer the Iraq question, which should have been the first thing he tackled on the first day he ever considered that he might someday think for even a minute about running for president."

Tuesday, May 12 2015

Walker Hides from Wisconsin's Budget Problems in Israel

"Molotov!" Scott Walker must be exhausted. He's running for president, sprinting from the press, and hiding from serious problems back home. Walker is currently doing the rounds in Israel, but you may not have noticed since he's barred any media from covering his trip. Even worse, while the presumptive GOP candidate is overseas, his home state is facing severe budget cuts to education, health care, and emergency services. Luckily folks aren't letting him off that easy.

Friday, May 8 2015

Shock and Aww…Shucks

As a scion of a political dynasty, Jeb Bush has some built-in advantages over his competitors. Family connections to donors and advisors have filled Bush's campaign coffers, bringing him media attention and immediate relevance. But in the post-Citizens United world that simply won't be enough. Under the bright lights of the presidential campaign, Jeb has proven to be lackluster on the trail, with a record to regret. There's no denying that his path to victory requires him to get the base on his side -- the same base that doesn't like his stances on Common Core or immigration, or for that matter his last name. And no amount of money is going to change that.

Friday, Apr 17 2015

People hate Rubio’s tax plan so much that Glenn Beck would rather vote for Obama

Congratulations, Marco Rubio. Rather than pleasing anyone, you managed to offend just about everyone with your shiny new tax plan. Glenn Beck thinks it’d be better to vote for Barack Obama. Economists and blowhards on the left, center, and right are all singing kumbaya and writing off Rubio’s plan for making laughable assumptions about tax revenues. Or is it the child tax credit that actually excludes poor families? Maybe it’s that his tax cuts didn’t go far enough?

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