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News Thursday, Dec 10 2015

Trump Koozies Bolster John Boozman's Senate Race

  The National Republican Senatorial Committee’s newly minted Donald Trump koozies are being hocked to fundraise on behalf of their slate of…

Friday, Mar 4 2016

On Dept. Of Labor 103rd Anniversary, Toomey's Record Of Bad Labor Votes

On the 103rd anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Labor, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following…

Friday, Jul 29 2016

Zika Spreads; Rubio Balks

"Florida officials on Friday announced the first local spread of Zika virus through infected mosquitoes in the continental United States," according…

Tuesday, Feb 28 2017

Trump's Healthcare Plan: Cut Coverage for 18 Million Americans (And Taxes for Multimillionaires)

"Tonight, I am also calling on this Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare" -- a so-far empty, but devastating were it…

Monday, Mar 13 2017

Shot/Chaser: Jeff Flake Says Ending Medicaid Expansion is Good For Arizona

SHOT: Jeff Flake says "finally dealing with Medicaid as one of the three entitlement programs that are simply unsustainable" is one of…

Tuesday, Apr 11 2017

Rick Scott would profit from Trumpcare, big league

"Rick Scott made his wealth while his hospital company was stealing hundreds of millions from Medicare. Now he wants to…

Tuesday, Apr 25 2017

First 100 Days: Our Misogynous, Racist President's Un-American Agenda

Donald Trump ran a divisive and un-American campaign fueled by virulent racism and xenophobia. And the life-long misogynist didn't back…

Monday, Jul 3 2017

FACT SHEET: How Trumpcare Would Harm Florida

The Senate's July 4th recess is beginning just after the Republican leadership was forced to delay voting to even begin debate…

Thursday, Aug 17 2017

MEMO: After #ALSen Defeat, Mitch McConnell Looks Weaker than Ever

To: Interested Parties From: Jessica Mackler, President, American Bridge 21st Century Date: 8/17/17 Subject: After #ALSen Defeat, Mitch McConnell Looks Weaker than Ever The…

Thursday, Aug 30 2018

Survey Says: Dean Heller’s Pre-existing Conditions Con Is A Total Flop

“It’s getting hard to keep track of just how many experts have criticized Heller’s disingenuous, harmful disgrace of a bill.…

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