American Bridge Announces New Hires, Promotions
WASHINGTON – Today, American Bridge 21st Century President Rodell Mollineau announced the hires of Jessica Mackler and Eddie Vale. Mackler has joined the Super PAC as Vice President-Campaign Director. Vale will serve as Vice President-C-4 Director of the affiliated non-profit American Bridge 21st Century Foundation as well as a Senior Advisor to the PAC. “As we prepare to build on the success of the last election cycle, Jessica and Eddie will be valuable additions to American Bridge and bring years of experience right in line with our core mission," Mollineau said. "They will further strengthen a rock-solid senior staff and organization that I couldn’t be prouder of."
VIDEO: Ken Cuccinelli Is A Roadblock For Transportation
Ken Cuccinelli is trying to claim credit for a bipartisan transportation deal he opposed every step of the way -- we won't let him get away with it.
VIDEO: Reince Priebus & Michael Steele Unveil "New" RNC Tech Efforts
The Republican National Committee (RNC) has conducted an audit of the GOP's technology infrastructure, and now they have some plans to fix it. But didn't they just try this back in 2009?
New Website Highlights Extreme Views In Ken Cuccinelli’s Manifesto
WASHINGTON – American Bridge 21st Century has released a new website,, highlighting the most extreme passages from the new book by Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, The Last Line of Defense: The New Fight for American Liberty. LINK:
BRIDGE BRIEFING: Marco Rubio's Record on Women
Tonight, Marco Rubio will smile, look into the camera and attempt to convince the country that a kinder, gentler Republican Party was born at some point over the past three months. The truth, however, is that on the same day he is set to address the nation, Rubio joined twenty-one of his male Republican colleagues in voting against the Violence Against Women Act. In fact, the young, fresh, exciting Rubio's record on issues that impact the lives of women looks exactly like those of the tired, old Republicans who ruined their brand in the first place. Americans rejected Republicans in 2012 due to their worn-out ideas that were bad for middle class families -- women and men alike -- not because of a dearth of hip-hop chatter on the campaign trail.
Take it from Tupac: it's "time to heal our women, be real to our women."
State Of The Republican Union
Over the past couple months it has been almost impossible to turn on the television or open our internet browser without seeing blaring headlines or chyrons on the latest round of GOP infighting. What started as post-election finger pointing quickly evolved into name calling over Hurricane Sandy relief, committee purgings, Plan B, immigration, and eventually Crossroads' new primary meddling project. What a mess.
CAUGHT ON TAPE: Ken Cuccinelli, Part-time Attorney General
Gotcha. Today, American Bridge 21st Century released a new video demonstrating Ken Cuccinelli’s inability to fulfill his duties as Virginia’s Attorney General while he runs for governor. Shunning nearly three decades of precedent, including that of his predecessor Bob McDonnell, Cuccinelli claimed that he was able to both campaign and serve as Attorney General. However, as this video shows, Cuccinelli missed a significant portion of an important meeting of the Governor’s Task Force on School & Campus Safety while he was campaigning. Watch the video:
New Video Shows “Part-Time” Cuccinelli Neglecting AG Duties To Campaign
WASHINGTON -- Today, American Bridge 21st Century released a new video demonstrating Ken Cuccinelli’s inability to fulfill his duties as Virginia’s Attorney General while he runs for governor. Shunning nearly three decades of precedent, including that of his predecessor Bob McDonnell, Cuccinelli claimed that he was able to both campaign and serve as Attorney General. However, as this video shows, Cuccinelli missed a significant portion of an important meeting of the Governor’s Task Force on School & Campus Safety while he was campaigning.
American Bridge Wins Reed Awards For Best Direct Mail Piece, IE Campaign
Arlington, VA – Campaigns & Elections announced that American Bridge 21st Century has been awarded multiple 2013 Reed Awards for excellence in the categories of Best Direct Mail Piece of 2012 and Independent Expenditure Campaign. The awards recognized American Bridge’s groundbreaking “talking” mailer titled “Todd Akin: We’ve Heard Enough.” After first discovering and disseminating Akin’s infamous “legitimate rape” comments, American Bridge utilized the talking mailer to educate Missouri voters about Todd Akin’s extreme positions on many issues. In addition to his views on rape, the mailer showed Akin’s out-of-the-mainstream stances on Medicare, Social Security and student loans.
Ken Cuccinelli: Part-time Attorney General
The past six Attorneys General of Virginia have resigned to run for Governor, including Governor Bob McDonnell, Jerry Kilgore and Jim Gilmore -- But Ken Cuccinelli says it "wouldn't be wise" for him to step down and focus on campaigning. Will Cucinnelli keep on as a part-time Attorney General? American Bridge will keep up the pressure.