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News Press Releases Friday, Jul 26 2024

ICYMI: GOP Senate Candidate Recap – These Republicans are Too Toxic for the Ticket

News Donald Trump RFK Jr. Wednesday, Jul 24 2024

BREAKING: Vaccine Conspiracy Theorist RFK Jr. Tried to Trade a Trump Endorsement for HHS Secretary Role

News News Articles Press Releases Donald Trump Wednesday, Jul 24 2024

What People Are Reading: American Bridge $20M Ad Buy is the First Since Biden Announcement

News Press Releases The Oppo Dump Third-Party Spoiler Candidates RFK Jr. Wednesday, Jul 24 2024

RFK Jr. Spews GOP, Russian Talking Points and Appears Confused

Friday, Feb 17 2012

Daily Kos: Oops! Mitt Romney's New Michigan Ad Uses Picture Of Him In New York To Prove He Grew Up In Detroit

On February 16, the Daily Kos reported:

"I remember going to the Detroit auto show with my dad," he recalls, the ad simultaneously cutting to a photograph of Mitt Romney and his father, standing on a roof, looking down on the unwashed masses milling about at what voters are supposed to believe is the Detroit auto show. The only problem? That's not the Detroit auto show. It's the 1964 World's Fair grounds. In New York.

Friday, Feb 17 2012

Washington Post: Romney’s Work On Olympics, Mass. Projects Reveals Complex History With Earmarks

On February 16, 2012, the Washington Post reported:

Mitt Romney is escalating his attacks on GOP presidential rival Rick Santorum as a Washington insider who sought more than $1 billion for wasteful projects during his time in the Senate. But Romney has a complicated relationship with federal funding. As the head of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, he led an aggressive effort to win hundreds of millions of dollars in federal aid for the struggling Winter Games. As governor of Massachusetts, Romney requested millions in federal earmarks for state transportation projects. He once boasted about his prowess at winning taxpayer money.

Friday, Feb 17 2012

AP: Santorum Views On Birth Control At Odds With Most Of U.S.

On February 17, 2012, the Associated Press reported:

Most Americans don't share Rick Santorum's absolutist take on abortion. He's out of step on women in combat. He questions the values of the two-thirds of mothers who work. He's even troubled by something as commonplace as birth control - for married couples. Even among a Republican presidential field eager to please religious conservatives, Santorum's ideas stand out.

Thursday, Feb 16 2012

Washington Post: Scott Brown Struggles To Refight Old Culture War With Elizabeth Warren

On February 16, 2012, the Washington Post wrote:

Late yesterday, Scott Brown — who is under fire from Elizabeth Warren over the issue — went on a New England TV station and faced an absolutely brutal grilling from his questioner, forcing him to repeatedly dissemble about the legislation. You can watch video of the interview here. The reporter repeatedly pointed out that the measure goes much further than just exempting religious organizations from covering contraception; it also allows employers and insurers to refuse to cover any health service they findmorally objectionable. Brown repeatedly insisted that the bill doesn’t do this. [...] Republicans like Brown are desperate for this battle not to be about women’s health or the health care economics of familes, as Warren is framing it, and want to fight it exclusively on old culture war turf by alleging a war on religion. After all, polls suggest that large majorities, including of independents and moderates, see it as the former.
Read the full column here.

Thursday, Feb 16 2012

Boston Globe: Blunt Words For Brown

On February 16, 2012, the Boston Globe wrote:

What is Senator Scott Brown thinking? This is not a rhetorical question. I really want to know: Why would a Republican hoping to be reelected in Massachusetts leap headlong onto Missouri Senator Roy Blunt’s slippery-slope? In case you missed it, Brown cosponsored Blunt’s legislation allowing employers to limit insurance coverage for treatments they find objectionable on moral or religious grounds. [...] And just like that, Blunt has brought us to Crazyland, a place far beyond the issue of contraception, not to mention common sense. What’s mystifying is that Brown has followed him there.
Read the full column here.

Thursday, Feb 16 2012

Boston Herald: Contraception Bill Bad Choice For Scott Brown

On February 16, 2012, the Boston Herald wrote:

U.S. Sen. Scott Brown has co-sponsored a bill that would allow health plans to deny coverage both for contraception and any service that violates the planners’ beliefs. It was a huge mistake.

Thursday, Feb 16 2012

Washington Post: George Allen Hires Minister Joseph Ellison For Senate Campaign

On February 16, 2012, the Washington Post reported:

The information on Ellison was provided by American Bridge 21st Century, a liberal-leaning group that formed last year to combat conservative outside organizations in elections. “Twenty five thousand dollars is a huge chunk of campaign cash, and George Allen needs to explain exactly what that money paid for,’’ said Matt Thornton, spokesman for American Bridge 21st Century. “But with his long history of not answering even the most basic questions like who his consulting clients are, Virginians shouldn’t hold their breath waiting.”

Thursday, Feb 16 2012

NY Times: Members Of The House Face Uphill Battles For Senate

On February 15, 2012, the New York Times reported:

Republicans, who need a net gain of only four seats to guarantee control of the Senate, have long been optimistic that they could capture the majority because they are defending just 10 of the 33 seats up for grabs. But their task is complicated by the fact that many of their candidates are sitting or recent members of the House, which polls show to be deeply unpopular.

Thursday, Feb 16 2012

Huffington Post: Mitt Romney, 'Son Of Detroit,' Tools Around Michigan In Car Manufactured In Canada

On February 15, the Huffington Post reported:

Having seen Mitt Romney tool around the Greater Detroit area in two campaign ads in which he nostalgically recalls his childhood and his love of cars, you might be wondering, "What sort of car is he driving?" As it turns out, he's behind the wheel of a cherry Chrysler 300, the pride of Detroit. Oh, wait! Did I say "Detroit?" Sorry, ha ha, I meant "Canada." Yes, as the sleuths at Blue Mass Group report, Romney's whip is a foreign-born Chrysler, manufactured in Brampton, Ontario and imported to Detroit so that it can be imported "from" Detroit.

Wednesday, Feb 15 2012

TPM: D’oh! Romney Backer Attacks Santorum For Same Votes He Cast Himself

On February 14, 2012, Talking Points Memo reported:

From Political Surrogate Usage 101: Don’t send your surrogate out to attack someone for exactly the same thing he once did. The Romney campaign did just that when they dispatched former Sen. Jim Talent (R-MO) to attack Rick Santorum’s budget-busting vote to add a Medicare prescription drug program in the Senate. The problem they quickly ran into was that Talent voted the same way.

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