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Friday, Sep 25 2015

Jeb Gets Trumped… By The Economy

Sep 25, 2015

Golly! Given the absolute encumbrances to economic growth that are Obamacare and the “growth-stifling” regulations instituted by the Obama Administration, Jeb Bush must have been shaken to his core this morning to learn that the economy grew at a rate of 3.9 percent in the spring, according to the Associated Press.

On a number of occasions, Jeb’s justified his candidacy on the claim that “we got an anemic economy growing at barely 2% a year,” as he wrote in a recent Wall Street Journal opinion — a growth rate he claims Democrats have begrudgingly accepted as the status quo.

Jeb, you’ve said you’re running on the purpose of getting to 4% growth — sometimes you’ve got to know when to take a hint: This is the forces of the free market telling you to call it quits.

Published: Sep 25, 2015

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