Path 2



Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

Memorándum: Cómo Marco Rubio le ha fallado a Florida

Cuando Marco Rubio rompió con su promesa de no postularse para la reelección en la Florida, demostró que su camino…

Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

MEMO: How Marco Rubio Has Failed Florida

When Marco Rubio reneged on his pledge to not run for reelection in Florida, it was clear that his path…

Wednesday, Aug 24 2016

McCrory & Pence: Great At Hate & Job-Killing, Terrible At Governing

Vice Presidential candidate Mike Pence and Governor Pat McCrory have a lot in common. They both trust a man with…

Monday, Aug 15 2016

Donald J. Trump Is Calling For A Total And Complete Ban On…Himself?

In the months since he first announced his un-American ban on Muslims entering the U.S. in December, Donald Trump's regularly…

Thursday, Aug 11 2016

"Friend" Speaks To Enemies (2/2)

Senator Marco Rubio claimed that the horrific shooting at Orlando's Pulse nightclub is what inspired him to go back on his word and…

Thursday, Aug 11 2016

"Friend" Speaks To Enemies (1/2)

In the aftermath of the attack on the Pulse nightclub, Donald Trump journeyed to Manchester, New Hampshire and claimed that…

Tuesday, Aug 9 2016

Rubio To Mark Orlando Shooting's Two-Month Anniversary At Anti-LGBT Hate Rally

Senator Marco Rubio claimed that the horrific shooting at Orlando's Pulse nightclub is what inspired him to go back on his word…

Wednesday, Jul 6 2016

Trump Supports Pat McCrory's Job-Killing, Anti-LGBT Law

Governor Pat McCrory is receiving another pat on the back for his "fantastic record" from Donald Trump. Trump says that…

Friday, Jul 1 2016

Trump and the Western Conservative Summit, A History Of Hate

Donald Trump and the Western Conservative Summit is a match made in heaven: Both have a long history deeply tied…

Wednesday, Jun 15 2016

Off The Prompter, Off His Rocker: Trump Goes Old School Unhinged In Georgia

Donald Trump was off the prompter and way off-message today in Atlanta, Georgia. For an hour and ten minutes, Trump…

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