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GOP 2024 Presidential Hopefuls Press Releases Ron DeSantis Abortion Thursday, Feb 2 2023

DeSantis Says He Will Sign Extreme Six-Week Abortion Ban

Feb 02, 2023

Yesterday, 2024 hopeful and Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis said that he would sign a six-week abortion ban if the state legislature sends it to his desk. DeSantis previously signed an extreme abortion ban that offered no exceptions for rape or incest — now he promises to sign an even more restrictive law, which would ban abortion before most people even know they are pregnant.


Q: Governor, what are the chances you will sign the six-week heartbeat bill if it comes to your desk? And you also support the concealed carry or constitutional carry bill?

DeSantis: I’ve said on both of those, we’re for constitutional carry. We’re for pro-life. I urge the legislature to work, produce good stuff, and we will sign.

Published: Feb 2, 2023

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