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Thursday, Jun 20 2013

VIDEO: EW Jackson says Great Society worse for black families than slavery

Jun 20, 2013

As you may have heard, EW Jackson yesterday said that government programs started in the 60s were worse for black families than slavery was.

TRANSCRIPT: “My great grandparents, Gabriel and Elijah Jackson were slaves and sharecroppers in Orange County, Virginia. I am a direct decedent of slaves. My grandfather was born there, to a father and a mother who had been slaves. And by the way, their family was more intact than the black family is today and I’m telling you that slavery did not destroy the black family even though it certainly was an attack on the black family, it made it difficult but I’ll tell you that the programs that began in the ‘60s, the programs that began to tell women that you don’t need a man in the home, the government will take care of you, that and began to tell men, you don’t need to be in the home, the government will take care of this woman and take care of these children. That’s when the black family began to deteriorate. In 1960 most black children were raised in two parent, monogamous families. By now, by this time, we have only 20% of black children being raised in a two parent, monogamous families with the married man and woman raising those children. It wasn’t slavery that did that, it was government that did that. It tried to solve problems that only god can solve and that only we as human beings can solve.”

Published: Jun 20, 2013

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