Path 2


Zika Virus

Most Recent

Tuesday, Sep 6 2016

Rubio Fails To Deliver For Florida On Zika…Again

Floridians should ask for their money back if all Marco Rubio is going to do is play games with their children's health. Rather than vote on a bill that would fully fund emergency response to Zika, Marco Rubio and his Republican allies decided to play quick and loose with children's health and vote on the same bill that was a non-starter seven weeks ago. Rubio is so ineffective…

Tuesday, Aug 9 2016

Roy Blunt Too Busy Vacationing To Respond To Global Health Crisis

Senator Roy Blunt is at home in Missouri for recess, and he's not letting anything get in the way of…

Wednesday, Aug 3 2016

Trump Didn't Get the Memo on Zika

Donald Trump downplayed the severity of the Zika virus while in Florida tonight. Despite new reports that infection cases are…

Wednesday, Aug 3 2016

Rubio is really using his influence to combat Zika…

Rubio this morning: "Hopefully that'll change today and the [Trump] campaign will communicate on this and say something." [8/3/16] While in…

Tuesday, Aug 2 2016

Absentee Senator Marco Rubio Can't Deliver For Florida On Zika Funding

"We’re not going to fix America with senators." That's Marco Rubio back in January, complaining that he can't get anything…

Friday, Jul 29 2016

Zika Spreads; Rubio Balks

"Florida officials on Friday announced the first local spread of Zika virus through infected mosquitoes in the continental United States," according…

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