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Tax Returns

Wednesday, May 11 2016

American Bridge Launches

Today, American Bridge launched, calling on Donald Trump to end his glaring lack of transparency on his tax returns. Every major…

Wednesday, May 11 2016

Donald Trump's Tax Audit Excuse Is A Lie. What's He Hiding?

For the first time since 1976 a major presidential candidate, Donald Trump, says he will not make his tax returns public before election day.…

Sunday, Feb 28 2016

Rubio Camp Drops the Ball With Incomplete Tax Returns

Don't take it from us, read the clips:   @ByronYork: @alexconant Are the entire returns going to be released? Did…

Saturday, Feb 27 2016

Why Didn't Rubio Release His Full Tax Returns?

Marco Rubio failed to show the American people a full accounting of his tax returns by releasing only a portion…

Saturday, Feb 27 2016

What To Look For In Republican Candidates' Tax Returns

At this week's Republican presidential debate, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio each pledged to release their tax returns…

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