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Friday, Nov 4 2016

Trump On TX Official Who Called Clinton C-Word: "Wonderful Guy"

Donald Trump, on Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller, who called Hillary Clinton the C-word: "And then you have this wonderful guy, Mr. Miller, Sid Miller..." WATCH:

Thursday, Oct 13 2016

Trump still doesn't know why he's called "a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe"

Donald Trump this afternoon claimed that he's only being called "a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe, and morally deformed," because he is…

Sunday, Oct 9 2016

To Trump, Women Are Objects Used For Entertainment and Housework

As far as Donald Trump is concerned women are objects that exist purely to stroke his ego, entertain him, and…

Sunday, Oct 9 2016

Trump Brags About Sexually Assaulting Women

Try as he might, Donald Trump can't gloss over his decades-long record of sexually harassing and assaulting women. "Uh, I can’t say…

Saturday, Oct 8 2016

Joe Heck, It's Too Little, Too Late.

Joe Heck's decision to abandon Donald Trump is way too little, way too late. This morning Heck acknowledged he had…

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