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Tuesday, Jun 5 2012

MEMO: Rehberg's Decades Of Disservice

During his three decades in office, Congressman Dennis Rehberg has continually taken positions against the will of the voters of Montana and has gained more notoriety for his antics than any legislative accomplishments. Some of his most recent lowlights include:

- Supporting a massive land grab by the Federal government which would give the Department of Homeland Security unprecedented control over Montana land. - Voting to give himself five pay raises at taxpayers’ expense despite pledging not to. - Suing the Billings Fire Department. - Having a cozy relationship with lobbyists then failing to report the campaign donations he received from lobbyists on legally required transparency forms. - Supporting vast government overreach including the PATRIOT Act and REAL ID.

As the general election has now begun, Montana voters will see that Dennis Rehberg doesn’t stand with them and despite his past as a gymnast, he will not be able to twist and turn his way out of his true record.

Tuesday, Jun 5 2012

Memo: Heather Wilson's Real Record

To: Interested Parties From: Rodell Mollineau, President, American Bridge 21st Century Re: Heather Wilson's Real Record Date: 6-5-12 Four years after her first Senate bid ended in a primary defeat, Heather Wilson has managed to at least gain her party’s support this time around. Unfortunately for her, that means general election voters statewide will be introduced to her record for the first time. What they’ll find is a corrupt former member of Congress, willing to use her official position to advance partisan politics at any cost. Wilson’s tenure in the House of Representatives was notable for her proximity to the Bush White House. A member of both the House Armed Services Committee and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,Wilson attempted to stall and bury a Congressional investigation into the intelligence failures leading up to the Iraq War. She was later implicated in the Bush White House's politically motivated firing of U.S. Attorney David Iglesias. This earned her a spot on the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)’s 2007 “Most Corrupt” list. After leaving Congress, Wilson maintained her close connection to the architect of Bush’s partisan politics by serving as a board member for Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS. Wilson was also recently discovered to have been named in a pay-to-play investigation conducted by the New Mexico Attorney general’s office, stemming from her previous time in D.C. The last thing New Mexico voters want is a return to the policies or politics of the Bush administration. That’s why Heather Wilson will find herself 0 for 2 in Senate bids come November.

Friday, Jun 1 2012

MEMO: Josh Mandel FBI Investigation

When Josh Mandel became Ohio’s Treasurer barely a year ago, he was entrusted to act as a responsible steward of the state’s funds. Mandel quickly violated that trust by failing to fulfill the responsibilities of his job so he could campaign for a Senate seat instead. Mandel has also acted irresponsibly by flouting campaign finance rules. Questionable contributions made to his Senate campaign by employees of Suarez Corporation are now under investigation by the FBI. The suspicious nature of the donations was raised by the press to Mandel last year, as it was noted how unusual it was for multiple employees (and their spouses) of the same company, many whom have never before given to federal campaigns, to each make maximum donations to the same candidates. Yet Mandel refused to investigate the donations, and returned them only after the press reported on the existence of an FBI investigation. And though he has now returned $105,000 in tainted donations, Mandel has yet to come clean. He refuses to identify when he became aware of the FBI investigation, how he learned of the investigation, and how long he waited before returning the donations. This is to say nothing of whether he knew that the contributions were illegal before they were made, and still chose to accept them anyway. With the FBI investigating these contributions to Mandel’s campaign, Ohio voters are asking the same question: what is Josh Mandel hiding?

Tuesday, May 22 2012

Gary Miller “Comments” On His Record

After raw footage of Gary Miller campaign ad outtakes surfaced on the internet, American Bridge decided to have a little fun at his expense. Check out Miller “reacting” to questions about his ethical lapses and shady real estate deals.

Tuesday, Apr 3 2012

VIDEO: Josh Mandel's Flaming Pants

Washington DC - Ohio Senate candidate Josh Mandel has amassed a long trail of maliciously misleading and inaccurate statements - which is bad enough - but he did have one moment of brutal honesty lately. When confronted with his penchant for dishonesty, Mandel vowed to repeat his lies “again and again,” seeing no downside as reported by the Cleveland Plain Dealer. “Josh Mandel is so committed to rapidly advancing his career that he will stop at nothing - including shirking his responsibilities to the state of Ohio, appointing political cronies to positions of responsibility, and trampling the truth - to gain higher political office. It is a sad day when an elected official vows to continue lying to voters for political gain even when proven wrong,” said Matt Thornton, spokesman for American Bridge 21st Century. You can view the video here:

AB Leadership Monday, Apr 2 2012

Indy Star: Senator Richard Lugar Under Attack From All Sides

On April 1, 2012, the Indianapolis Star reported:

Ferguson said Lugar's campaign has not done a good job of handling the issue so far. It got worse recently when the liberal PAC American Bridge supplied research to reporters showing that Lugar had violated Senate rules by charging taxpayers for Indianapolis hotel rooms while in Indiana during Senate recesses.

Saturday, Mar 31 2012

POLITICO: Lugar Repays Feds $14K For Hotel Bills

On March 30, 2012, POLITICO reported:

Sen. Dick Lugar is paying back more than $14,000 to the federal Treasury — three times his earlier estimate — after a closer review of his 35-year career found he owed additional money for hotel stays in the Indianapolis area. The Indiana Republican said Friday that an investigation by the Senate’s disbursing office initiated at his request found he improperly billed taxpayers for his hotel stays for all but seven years during his time in office, amounting to $14,684.85. He cut a personal check paying that amount on Friday.

Thursday, Mar 22 2012

POLITICO: Lugar To Repay Home State Hotel Expenses

This morning Politico posted a story on Indiana Sen. Dick Lugar's residency woes, which have been catalogued in detail over at American Bridge's In this latest development, Lugar is being forced to repay the United States Treasury $4,500 after it was brought to light that Lugar had improperly charged taxpayers for hotel bills in Indianapolis, his so-called "duty station" under Senate ethics rules. Using official funds to cover hotel costs within 35 miles of one's duty station is in violation of Senate ethics rules. For further details, check out Manu Raju's story in Politico here. Excerpts are below:

Thursday, Mar 15 2012

Dick Lugar: The Jet Set Senator

It's not just that Dick Lugar has gone Washington. He's gone everywhere -- except Indiana.

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