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Thursday, Oct 8 2015

Jeb! Doesn't Support Reauthorizing VRA, Continues Support of Disenfranchisement

Jeb Bush made clear that he fully reversed course on his "lose the primary to win the general" strategy, coming out against re-authorization of the Voting Rights Act at a forum in Des Moines this morning. Calling it an antiquated and out-dated policy, Bush is appealing to the elements in the Republican Party that seek electoral gain through putting up barriers to the ballot box.…

Wednesday, Jul 11 2012

BRIDGE BRIEFING: Romney's Record on Issues Impacting the African American Community

Romney Administration

Romney Failed To Appoint Minorities To Top Positions In His Administration As Governor. According to the Associated Press, “A new report faults Governor Romney for failing to appoint minorities, particularly Latinos and Asian-Americans, to top positions in his administration. Of 163 top-level positions, fewer than eleven percent were held by minorities. That’s according to the report by the McCormack Graduate School’s Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy at U-Mass Boston. Latino appointments made up one-point-eight percent of the total number of posts, even though Latinos make up seven percent of the state’s population. Asian-Americans make up four percent of the state population, but hold fewer than one percent of total top-level positions. A Romney spokesman defended the governor’s record -- saying approximately 52 percent of all employees in the administration are women, and 22 percent are minority.” [Associated Press, 12/6/06]

News Jobs LGBTQ+ Friday, May 11 2012

MOTHER'S DAY MEMO: Romney's Record On Issues Important To Women And Families

As families across the country celebrate Mother’s Day and honor the women in their life, it is also a good opportunity to reflect on the policies that allow women to pursue equal pay for equal work, protect women and families from violence, and help to prevent serious illnesses. Unfortunately for women and their families, Mitt Romney has consistently advocated against these policies. With the Republican Party consistently advocating an anti-women agenda, they have found the perfect standard bearer in Mitt Romney.

News Thursday, Apr 12 2012

Huffington Post: Mitt Romney's Women Surrogates Voted Against Pay Equity Enforcement, Blasted Feminism

On April 18, 2012, Huffington Post reported:

A March 29 Wisconsin Women for Romney call with reporters featured Wisconsin state Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills) and conservative activist Bay Buchanan. Darling was a cosponsor of legislation repealing her state's 2009 Equal Pay Enforcement Act, which was designed to deter employers from discriminating against certain groups by granting workers more avenues for pressing charges. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) quietly signed the bill into law last week.

AB Leadership Thursday, Apr 12 2012

ThinkProgress: Romney Campaign Enlists GOP Women Who Opposed Equal Pay Bills To Attack Obama

On April 11, 2012, ThinkProgress reported:

Romney’s campaign followed these two releases with a statement from his former Massachusetts Lt. Governor, Kerry Healey (R). Though she too takes the curious tact of blaming her party’s “war on women” on President Obama, American Bridge 21st Century notes that while in office, Healey “publicly condemned Romney for vetoing spending for women’s health, including breast and cervical cancer screenings and treatment, calling the move: ‘penny-wise, pound-foolish.’”

AB Leadership LGBTQ+ Saturday, Mar 31 2012

Daily Beast: Mitt Romney Secretly Supported Anti-Gay-Marriage Group

On March 30, the Daily Beast reported:

Given recent revelations about NOM, liberal operatives see an opportunity to discomfit Romney and, once the general election is underway, paint him as a right-wing extremist. “As a leading contender for president of the United States, for him to be funding a group whose strategy memos lay out such a hateful way to divide African-Americans and the LGBT community, it’s shocking,” says Chris Harris, communications director of American Bridge 21st Century, the super PAC founded by Media Matters’ David Brock. “When he initially donated in 2008, he may not have known that this is their strategy, but as a political leader and as an opinion leader, he has a responsibility to speak out and condemn their intention of dividing Americans.”

AB Leadership LGBTQ+ Friday, Mar 30 2012

Daily Kos: How Much Racial Division And Hostility Did Mitt Romney Buy With His $10,000?

On March 30, 2012, the Daily Kos reported:

When Mitt Romney cut his $10,000 check for Maggie Gallagher and Brian Brown's National Organization for Marriage did he know that money would be used to "to drive a wedge between gays and blacks—two key Democratic constituencies?" Did he know his money would be used to purposely and cravenly fan hostility between his fellow Americans? It's a question American Bridge 21st Century is asking, and thus far almost 5,000 people have signed their petition asking Romney to denounce his ties to National Organization for Marriage.

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