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Thursday, Oct 13 2016

Trump still doesn't know why he's called "a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe"

Donald Trump this afternoon claimed that he's only being called "a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe, and morally deformed," because he is challenging "The Establishment and their media enablers," who are, Trump said, running a coordinated smear campaign against him. Think we can just go to the tape on this one: "A SEXIST" Trump brags about sexually assaulting women. Trump's said he thinks a working wife is a "very dangerous thing."…

Friday, Aug 19 2016

Mr. "Sorry Not Sorry" Cites Racist Hate Group In First General Election Ad

American Bridge Vice President Eddie Vale issued the following statement on Donald Trump's first general election TV ad: "Donald Trump is…

Monday, Aug 15 2016

Donald J. Trump Is Calling For A Total And Complete Ban On…Himself?

In the months since he first announced his un-American ban on Muslims entering the U.S. in December, Donald Trump's regularly…

Tuesday, Aug 2 2016

Trump's Crusade Against Gold Star Family Draws Widespread Condemnation–But Not From Elected Republicans

As Donald Trump continues to attack the family of slain United States Army Captain Humayun Khan, outrage from non-partisan veterans' organizations…

Monday, Aug 1 2016

How Can Congressional Republicans Support Trump After He Denigrated A Gold Star Family?

Somehow, Sens. Kelly Ayotte, Ron Johnson, Chuck Grassley, Marco Rubio, Pat Toomey, Roy Blunt, and Rob Portman, and Reps. Joe…

Wednesday, Jul 20 2016

Marco Rubio Thinks Trump's "Wholly" Unfit To Be President — But Will Vote For Him & Likes His Policies

Marco Rubio knows who the real Donald Trump is -- but he's supporting him and speaking on his behalf tonight…

Monday, Jul 11 2016

*Some Restrictions May Apply

Trump: Everyone will be protected equally and treated justly, without prejudice.* * Offer of non-prejudicial treatment does not apply to: Soldiers…

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