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Monday, Apr 30 2018

Senate Brief: GOP Primary Candidates Are Taking Off The Gloves Ahead of May’s Primaries

Apr 30, 2018

Week of Monday, April 30

IN BRIEF:  As the first GOP Senate primaries and conventions approach, Republican candidates are taking off the gloves and irreparably damaging their opponents.

  • In West Virginia, Republican candidates are tearing each other down, with Attorney General Patrick Morrisey attacking Rep. Evan Jenkins for switching parties, while Jenkins is hammering Morrisey as a New Jersey carpetbagger.
  • In Wisconsin, a debate between Kevin Nicholson and state Sen. Leah Vukmir “turned caustic” as Vukmir questioned Nicholson’s conservative credentials and demanded an apology from Nicholson for his attacks against her. “We know more about Kevin’s track record as a Democrat than we do about his track record as a Republican,” Vukmir said.
    • This debate was hosted by American for Prosperity, so was supposed to be a risk-free zone for the candidates: the moderators were friendly and the questions were strictly softball. So count on this primary to get even nastier as the gloves come off.



ONE FOR THE ROAD: “The Cave by Mumford & Sons (2011)

AND HAPPY MONDAY from American Bridge. Follow us at @JoshuaKarp and @EmmaBeckerman1


Published: Apr 30, 2018 | Last Modified: Feb 1, 2024

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