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Patrick Morrisey

Governor West Virginia

Patrick Morrisey

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News Friday, Aug 17 2018

Republicans Try to Have It Both Ways on Healthcare, Fail Miserably

“Republican Senate candidates are failing miserably in their transparent attempts to have it both ways on Obamacare,” said American Bridge spokesperson Amelia Penniman. “In spite of their persistent pathetic pandering, this year’s crop of GOP Senate candidates is no exception to the decade-long Republican crusade against affordable healthcare. American voters will voice their disdain for such political antics at the polls this November.” Politico: GOP’s midterm peril: What…

Wednesday, May 9 2018

NEW ADS: Bruising Primaries Leave GOP Candidates Irreparably Damaged Ahead of General Election

Braun, Morrisey, and DeWine have been lambasted for months by their fellow Republicans Today, immediately following Senate primaries in Indiana and…

Tuesday, May 8 2018

NEW AD: Bruising West Virginia Primary Leaves Morrisey Irreparably Damaged Ahead of General Election

Today, immediately following the West Virginia Senate primary election, American Bridge released a new digital ad targeting newly minted Republican…

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