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Friday, Jul 14 2017

Collusion? I Don’t Care, "I Love It" Week Gets Dragged Across the Coals by Editorial Boards

All across the country, local editorial boards are taking Donald Trump to task - on everything from his disastrous climate…

Thursday, Jul 13 2017

ICYMI — USA Today: Donald Trump said to have threatened USGA with lawsuit if it moved women's Open

"Of course Trump threatened to sue when his profits were at risk because for him, nothing is more important than…

Monday, Jul 10 2017

David Brock: This Is Collusion

American Bridge Chairman David Brock released the following statement on Donald Trump's campaign chairman Paul Manafort, his son-in-law and senior…

Monday, Jul 3 2017

FACT SHEET: How Trumpcare Would Harm Florida

The Senate's July 4th recess is beginning just after the Republican leadership was forced to delay voting to even begin debate…

Thursday, Jun 15 2017

Sessions Caught Lying About Russian Contacts. Again.

Watch Attorney General Jeff Sessions deny under oath meeting with any Russian lobbyist or agent, despite a lobbyist for Russia telling The…

Tuesday, Jun 13 2017

"Workforce Development?" Trump's Agenda Guts Vital Job-Training Programs

After last week's less-than-successful "Infrastructure Week" -- which, among other things, notably lacked a large-scale infrastructure investment proposal -- the…

Tuesday, May 30 2017

The Three Takeaways From Kushner's Ties to Russia

Memorial Day weekend brought a flurry of news about Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law, close adviser to Trump and Secretary…

Monday, May 22 2017

Shot/Chaser: Heller's Health Care Hypocrisy

Today, Politico reported that Senate Republicans have decided on their #Trumpcare strategy: negotiate a partisan bill in secret. Well, let's rewind the…

Monday, May 15 2017

Spicer Questions: K-I-S-S-I-N-G Edition

It must be awkward for you today after your SNL makeout session, but at least you probably won't be around…

Friday, May 12 2017

Here are Trump's "few" (many) exceptions to Russian money

Until Donald Trump releases his tax returns, it's safe to assume that anything he says about Russian money flowing through…

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