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Thursday, Aug 2 2012

VIDEO: Connie Mack Isn’t Doing His Job

Connie Mack is missing again. This week, Florida Rep. Connie Mack was once again absent from the House of Representatives after…

News Jobs Tuesday, Jul 31 2012

Richard Mourdock Can’t Seem To Make Up His Mind On Indiana Jobs.

We are all well aware of Richard Mourdock’s attempt to cripple the Indiana economy and destroy thousands of jobs by suing to block federal assistance to Chrysler. But when campaigning in South Bend, he seems to have suddenly turned over a new leaf. He is now bemoaning the loss of 24,000 jobs and $1.1 billion dollars that would happen as a result of the sequester cuts of defense spending. Mourdock’s apparently forgotten that he claimed government doesn’t create jobs. And he thinks entire branches of the military should be eliminated. And he doesn’t consider it his job to protect Hoosier jobs. So does Richard Mourdock care more about protecting government jobs or dramatically slashing the federal budget? Or is he really most interested in saying whatever it takes to get elected? Mourdock Backed Away From Sequester Cuts To Pentagon Citing Job Loss. According to the South Bend Tribune, “When the congressional "supercommittee" failed last fall to agree on a plan to reduce the federal deficit by $1.2 trillion over 10 years, it set in motion a default plan for cutting spending. The plan calls for $1.2 trillion in across-the-board cuts, including $600 billion from defense programs, that will start taking effect Jan. 2. Richard Mourdock, the Republican state treasurer running for one of Indiana's seats in the U.S. Senate, believes government needs to be smaller and less expensive. But, during a campaign stop earlier this week in Mishawaka, he warned against allowing the default plan to take effect… Mourdock said the defense cuts would lead to the loss of nearly 24,000 jobs in Indiana and a $1.1 billion hit to the state's economy. He mentioned that companies such as AM General and Honeywell would be affected in the South Bend area.” In addition, “Mourdock said there might be reasonable spending cuts to make in the Department of Defense, but the default reduction of $600 billion would be disastrous.” [South Bend Tribune, 7/25/12]  Mourdock Said Government Doesn’t Create Jobs. Mourdock said, “Congress doesn't create any jobs. There are a bunch of private sector companies who want to create those jobs. The fact that we have congressmen of either party claiming they created jobs is just false. There job should be to keep government at its more limited purpose so the private sector can create jobs.” [AB 21 Tracking Footage, 2/15/12] Mourdock Asserted That “I Didn’t Take A Pledge That I Would Support Every Job In Indiana,” Had No Regrets About Position. “‘I didn't take a pledge that I would support every job in Indiana under whatever means it takes to do it,’ Mourdock said. ‘The oath I took said I would support the laws of Indiana and support the Constitution of the United States. Constitutional rights for people for which I had a fiduciary responsibility were being violated, and I had no choice to do what I did. I certainly have no regrets.’” [Indianapolis Star, 10/19/10] Mourdock Question The Necessity Of All The Branches Of The Armed Services. According to the National Review, “‘here’s always going to be a lot of duplication,’ Mourdock said. ‘We look today at the historical setup of Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard. There’s a lot of duplication and bureaucracy right there. In the 21st century is that necessary? I’m not sure that it is.’” [National Review, 4/30/12]

Monday, Jul 30 2012

Vern Buchanan Ethics Memo

Florida Rep. Vern Buchanan skipped out on his July 30 court deposition to answer serious questions about business ethics. Buchanan, who has been dogged by questions about his business dealings — and under investigation by both the House Ethics Committee and the Justice Department — evaded answering questions under oath by failing to appear at the scheduled time. Read the American Bridge research document below to see the facts he didn't want to face. Buchanan Ethics Memo

News Tuesday, Jul 24 2012

BRIDGE BRIEFING: Romney’s Record On Veterans

Romney's Budget Proposals Hurt Benefits For Veterans

Romney’s Budget Plan Cuts $176 Billion From Non-Defense Discretionary Spending By 2016, Including Veterans’ Health Care. According to the Center on Budget And Policy Priorities, “Non-defense discretionary spending would be cut by $176 billion in 2016 — and $1.7 trillion through 2022 — in addition to the deep cuts already reflected in the budget baseline as a result of the caps in the BCA and the appropriations bills passed during 2011. This category of spending covers a wide variety of public services such as aid to elementary and secondary education, veterans’ health care, law enforcement, national parks, environmental protection, and biomedical and scientific research.” [Center on Budget And Policy Priorities, 5/21/12]

Friday, Jul 20 2012

American Bridge's Rodell Mollineau on MSNBC's The Daily Rundown

American Bridge President Rodell Mollineau appeared on MSNBC's The Daily Rundown this week to discuss the increasingly louder calls for presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to release his tax returns.

The Wire Wednesday, Jul 18 2012

NEW CAMPAIGN: Mitt Gets Worse

American Bridge 21st Century and Courage Campaign SuperPAC have launched Mitt Gets Worse. This oral history project and rapid response campaign is aimed at exposing Mitt Romney's extreme anti-LGBT agenda. Coupling Mitt's own words with those of LGBT activists, Mitt Gets Worse chronicles Mitt Romney's history with LGBT rights, first as governor of Massachusetts and now as a GOP presidential candidate. Visit the Mitt Gets Worse website, like our facebook page, or tweet us @MittGetsWorse. Here just one of the videos featured on the site -- a first hand account from LGBT activist,  Julie Goodridge, speaking on her experience with Mitt Romney as governor of Massachussetts.

Wednesday, Jul 18 2012

American Bridge and Courage Campaign Partner To Launch “Mitt Gets Worse”

Rapid Response Campaign To Highlight Romney’s Anti-LGBT Agenda

WASHINGTON -- Today, American Bridge 21st Century and Courage Campaign Super PAC partnered to launch Mitt Gets Worse, a new oral history project and rapid response campaign to educate voters about Mitt Romney’s extreme anti‐LGBT agenda. Romney has earned a reputation as a flip-flopper -- changing his positions in whatever direction advances his career. But when it comes to LGBT issues, there’s one thing you can always count on: Mitt Gets Worse. Year after year, Mitt has moved further and further toward the extreme right. The Mitt Gets Worse campaign is an oral history of Mitt Romney’s efforts to diminish the rights and the freedoms of LGBT Americans, told by supporters, activists, and LGBT advocates that have personally been impacted by Mitt’s anti-equality agenda. Over the next few weeks, the campaign will be releasing first person accounts of LGBT activists and organizers who have played key roles in this fight.

News Taxes Tuesday, Jul 17 2012

MEMO: Questions Romney Can Clear Up With His Tax Returns

TO: Interested Parties FROM: Rodell Mollineau, American Bridge 21st Century DATE: July 16, 2012 RE: Questions Romney can clear up with his tax returns Mitt Romney has been trying very hard to run out the clock on this campaign without providing a complete and accurate picture of his finances. He has released his returns for 2010 and [whatever he releases], but that does not provide a full accounting of his financial priorities and practices. For example, from his limited release to this point, very serious questions need to be answered about his offshore holdings, trusts, and ongoing profit from his private equity career. He is also taking great pains to distance himself from his involvement with Bain Capital post-February 1999, but yet refuses to release his tax returns over that period which would prove his veracity on the subject. Romney’s father started the tradition of releasing his taxes by providing 12 years. Romney himself provided 23 years of taxes when he was being vetted for the vice presidential slot under McCain (and losing out to Sarah Palin). So, it should be easy for Romney to put a number of questions to rest by simply providing the public with his income taxes just as he provided them to John McCain. Here are the questions that could be easily answered through a full and transparent disclosure.

News Taxes Monday, Jul 16 2012

MEMO: Questions Romney Can Clear Up With His Tax Returns

TO: Interested Parties FROM: Rodell Mollineau, American Bridge 21st Century DATE: July 16, 2012 RE: Questions Romney can clear up with his tax returns Mitt Romney has been trying very hard to run out the clock on this campaign without providing a complete and accurate picture of his finances. He has released his returns for 2010 and [whatever he releases], but that does not provide a full accounting of his financial priorities and practices. For example, from his limited release to this point, very serious questions need to be answered about his offshore holdings, trusts, and ongoing profit from his private equity career. He is also taking great pains to distance himself from his involvement with Bain Capital post-February 1999, but yet refuses to release his tax returns over that period which would prove his veracity on the subject. Romney’s father started the tradition of releasing his taxes by providing 12 years. Romney himself provided 23 years of taxes when he was being vetted for the vice presidential slot under McCain (and losing out to Sarah Palin). So, it should be easy for Romney to put a number of questions to rest by simply providing the public with his income taxes just as he provided them to John McCain. Read the full memo after the jump.

News Friday, Jul 13 2012


Today American Bridge unveiled a new website,, featuring video tracking footage and comprehensive research books on likely Republican vice presidential contenders. Check out the site here.

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