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News Press Releases Tim Sheehy Wednesday, Jun 5 2024

Out-of-State Millionaire Tim Sheehy Buys GOP Senate Primary Victory

Jun 05, 2024

Last night, out-of-state millionaire and GOP Senate candidate Tim Sheehy secured victory in the Montana Senate primary. Sheehy’s campaign has been marred by deceit surrounding his purported ‘success story’, a lawsuit from former employees, and skipping out on paying taxes on his ranch – leaving Montanans skeptical of his intentions. His candidacy exemplifies the trend of national Republicans supporting subpar, carpetbagging candidates in an attempt to challenge formidable Democratic incumbents.

“Tim Sheehy is just another transplant GOP Senate candidate attempting to buy his way into a Senate seat this year. Montanans aren’t fooled by two-faced Tim Sheehy and his tangled web of falsehoods. His out-of-touch positions on abortion rights and public lands, coupled with his blatant dishonesty, guarantee Montanans will kick him to the curb come November,” said American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Nico Delgado.

Tim Sheehy’s out-of-touch positions that would hurt Montanans:

  • Sheehy said public lands should be “turned over to” the states.
  • Sheehy’s Little Belt Cattle Company blocked access to public lands for Montanans and removed a section of their website that boasted their proximity to public lands.
  • Sheehy called himself “proudly pro-life” and supports a national abortion ban.
  • Sheehy pledged to be a part of a GOP Senate majority that would ensure that the Trump Tax Cuts for the wealthy “stay in place.”
  • Sheehy said that he wanted to privatize the U.S. health care system, which would upend the Affordable Care Act.
    • Repealing the Affordable Care Act would rid 47,000 Montanans of coverage and gut protections for 152,000 Montanans with pre-existing conditions.
  • Sheehy planned to begin by “cleaving off” the Department of Education, followed by the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Sheehy flip-flopped on climate change and claimed that humans had no “appreciable impact” on global warming and continued to distance himself from Bridger Aerospace’s climate change positions.

Published: Jun 5, 2024 | Last Modified: Jun 7, 2024

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