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Tuesday, Aug 9 2011

Think Progress: Tim Pawlenty’s Extremely Weak Grasp Of Monetary Policy And International Finance

n August 9, 2011, Think Progress's Matthew Yglesias reported:

"When American Bridge sent a tracker to record this talk from Tim Pawlenty, I’m sure they were hoping he’d commit gaffes with a bit more political potency than the ones on display here. But if you happen to care at all about policy substance, what you’re about to see is the former Minnesota governor make a number of blundering errors that reveal fundamental misunderstandings of how monetary policy and the international financial system works:
See the video after the jump

Monday, Aug 8 2011

MSNBC: Romney's Focus — On The Economy And Obama

On August 8, 2011, MSNBC's First Read reported:

"As Mitt Romney is out on the stump taking credit for Massachusetts ratings upgrade, he is conspicuously leaving out that he was able to achieve this by raising revenue," said Ty Matsdorf of American Bridge in a memo released this morning. "Perhaps it is because just last week he was decrying the president for trying to take the same balanced approach to solving the debt ceiling crisis."

More from MSNBC's First Read after the jump

Friday, Aug 5 2011

NBC News: Justice Asked To Probe Mystery Donation To Pro-Romney Group

On August 4, 2011, NBC News reported:

"Two campaign reform groups are asking the Justice Department to investigate a mysterious $1 million contribution to a political committee backing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney from an obscure company that shut down shortly after making the donation. The contribution to Restore Our Future, a so-called “super PAC” formed by three former Romney political aides, drew scrutiny following an NBC News report on Thursday . The firm that gave the money, called W Spann LLC, was formed in March – with no listed officers or directors — made the contribution in April, then dissolved itself in July, according to corporate records."
More from NBC News after the jump

Wednesday, Aug 3 2011

ABC News: Impeach President Obama Over Libya? Jon Huntsman Punts

On August 3, 2011, ABC News reported:

"And this week, when asked by a New Hampshire resident whether President Obama should be impeached over Libya, Huntsman refused to say, telling the voter that he’d 'let Congress make that decision.'"

Tuesday, Aug 2 2011

Dallas Morning News: Democrats Itch To See Texas Gov. Rick Perry In White House Hunt

On August 2, 2011, the Dallas Morning News reported:

Democratic operatives outside Austin are also scouring Perry’s record. Last week, American Bridge 21st Century — a liberal PAC formed to raise and spend unlimited money in the 2012 elections — flagged a new report that Texas had 86 mass layoffs in June, up from 50 in May, with a substantial uptick in initial jobless claims. “Rick Perry is the flavor of month” in a “weak, uninspiring field” of Republicans, said Rodell Mollineau, president of American Bridge. “Once the American people realize that his economic record as governor is based on smoke and mirrors, and his social record is miles out of the mainstream, his campaign will become an historical footnote just like Fred Thompson’s and Rudy Giuliani’s.”
More from the Dallas Morning News after the jump.

Tuesday, Aug 2 2011

AP: Romney And Huntsman In Spotlight As GOP Contenders Weigh In On Debt Deal In Washington

On August 2, 2011, the Associated Press reported:

A Democrat-friendly outside group, American Bridge, echoed the criticism of Romney. “It’s great to see that after more than a month of negotiations, Mitt Romney finally decided to weigh in on one of the most important issues facing our nation,” American Bridge spokesman Ty Matsdorf said. “As somebody who is trying to campaign as a savvy businessman, you would have thought he would have tried to lead his party, but instead he has decided to kowtow to the tea party.”
More from the Associated Press after the jump

AB Leadership Taxes Thursday, Jul 21 2011

WSJ: Bachmann: Everybody Should Pay Taxes

On July 21, 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported:

"Republican presidential candidates have been resolutely opposed to tax increases in the debate over the nation’s budget straits, but Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann this week suggested there’s one group that needs to be paying more: poor people who pay nothing now."
More from the Wall Street Journal after the jump.

AB Leadership Wednesday, Jul 20 2011

National Journal: In 2006 Interview, Bachmann Attacks Same-Sex Marriage, 'Big Love' Series

On July 20, 2011, National Journal reported:

"As a state lawmaker in 2006, now-Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., warned that efforts to allow same-sex marriage would open the door to polygamy and 'group marriage,' and she condemned a popular cable television series about a fundamentalist Mormon with three wives."
More from National Journal after the jump.

AB Leadership Thursday, Jul 14 2011

Washington Post: Allen criticized for voting against equipment for soldiers in Senate

On July 14, 2011,  the Washington Post reported:

"Former governor and senator George Allen was captured on video while campaigning in Franklin on Wednesday talking to a soldier’s father about the need to properly equip troops with body armor. Allen, a Republican, said it was “deplorable” that the soldier’s family had to provide his own equipment, specifically gloves. [...] But American Bridge 21st Century, the Democratic-leaning group that has been tracking Allen while he is campaigning for the U.S. Senate next year, pointed out that the former senator voted at least twice against equipment for soldiers during his one term.

AB Leadership Friday, Jul 8 2011

NY Times: Trailing G.O.P. With Cameras, Seeking Gaffes

Aaron Fielding quietly stalks his prey — Republicans — with his video camera, patiently waiting for a political moment worthy of YouTube. At 27, he is a full-time “tracker” for American Bridge 21st Century, a new Democratic organization that aims to record every handshake, every utterance by Republican candidates in 2011 and 2012, looking for gotcha moments that could derail political ambitions or provide fodder for television advertisements by liberal groups next year.

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