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Thursday, Jul 2 2015


Jul 02, 2015

Republicans can try to laugh off Donald Trump. They can refuse to comment on his incendiary views. They can attempt to not take him seriously. But while they desperately wish he would just go away, he’s going nowhere but up in the polls and straight to a debate stage in Cleveland.

Watch the latest from American Bridge:


From The Boston Globe today:

Whether New York businessman Donald Trump is serious about running for president or just serious about getting publicity, his groundswell of support in recent weeks is hard to ignore.

Since announcing his bid for president in mid-June, Trump has climbed to second place among the Republican field in New Hampshire, Iowa, and nationwide, according to separate polls in recent days. No other Republican has numbers as good in all three metrics.

A Quinnipiac University poll of Iowa Republicans released Wednesday found that Trump had consistent support from all parts of the party’s ideological spectrum, from Tea Party movement supporters to moderates.
A CNN poll of Republican voters across the nation put Trump in second place behind former governor Jeb Bush of Florida.

The poll results also mean Trump will probably qualify for the first two GOP primary debates that will occur in August and September. To qualify candidates must be in the top 10 in an aggregate of national polls.


Published: Jul 2, 2015

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