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Friday, Sep 12 2014

New Online Ad: Bruce Rauner: Adamantly Against What's Right for Illinois

Sep 12, 2014

Today, American Bridge is releasing a new online ad highlighting billionaire Bruce Rauner’s attacks on minimum wage workers in Illinois.

Rauner has been dealing with serious image problems — the kind you can’t fix by throwing money at them. In fact, it’s throwing money around that bought him these image problems in the first place. Last week we learned that Rauner belongs to a wine club that had a cool $140,000 entry fee. Must be some good wine. Of course this is on top of his $100,000 extra parking spot, nine homes, etc. etc. Meanwhile, new audio surfaced of Bruce Rauner admitting that he favored lowering the minimum wage or even possibly eliminating it altogether.
That’s Bruce Rauner: telling Illinois workers they aren’t worth $8.25/hour while he sips his six-figure Cabernet.

Watch our new web ad:

Published: Sep 12, 2014

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