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News News Articles Press Releases Austin Knudsen Campaign Finance Wednesday, May 22 2024

Montana’s Top Cop is In Trouble for Allegedly Breaking the Law

May 22, 2024

Montana’s top law enforcement officer, state Attorney General Austin Knudsen, may have broken the law when he admitted that he recruited his primary opponent simply so he could raise money. In Montana, a candidate cannot raise more than $790 per donor in the primary if they do not have an opponent. Knudsen’s “opponent,” Logan Olson, has not reported raising or spending any campaign money.

Knudsen, who is already under threat of losing his law license as he faces a 41-count ethics complaint, has had a new complaint filed against his candidacy stating he should return the allegedly illicit funds he collected.

This reporting has led to a myriad of problems for Knudsen and Olson.

See below for all of the headlines and tv segments that have been keeping Knudsen up at night.

Daily MontananKnudsen calls laws ‘ridiculous’ and says he got opponent to run so he could raise more money

The AP: Montana’s attorney general said he recruited token primary opponent to increase campaign fundraising

Montana Free Press: Attorney General Knudsen accused of soliciting ghost competitor for campaign finance purposes

KTHV: Campaign complaint claims Knudsen improperly coordinated with GOP primary opponent

WHEC: Montana’s attorney general said he recruited token primary opponent to increase campaign fundraising

Daily Montana: Knudsen’s primary opponent in Attorney General race doesn’t meet qualification requirements

Daily Montanan: Montana Commissioner of Political Practices opens complaints against AG candidates

NBC Montana: Ethics complaint raised against attorney general candidates

Daily Montanan: Democrat AG challenger Alke calls on Knudsen to disgorge funds, cooperate with COPP







FOX Montana

Published: May 22, 2024

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