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Build Back Better Agenda

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Thursday, Oct 28 2021

American Bridge 21st Century President Jessica Floyd on Build Back Better Framework

President Jessica Floyd Congratulates President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ Historic Build Back Better Framework Today, President Biden announced a framework for legislation that lowers costs for working families, creates new jobs, and guarantees sustainable economic growth for years to come — all paid for by making billionaires and corporations pay their fair share. To celebrate this once-in-a-generation investment in working families American Bridge 21st Century…

Wednesday, Oct 6 2021

Coverage Roundup: Build Back Better Gives Americans Hope

Stories from across the country are pouring in showing that President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats’ Build Back Better agenda will…

Tuesday, Sep 28 2021

Round-Up: Overwhelming Support For President Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda

This week, workers, families, and city officials are once again praising President Biden and congressional Democrats’ bipartisan Build Back Better…

Thursday, Sep 23 2021

President Biden’s Push To Make The Rich Pay Their Fair Share

In order to lower the cost of child care, lower the cost of prescription drugs, and address the climate crises…

Thursday, Sep 23 2021

Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda Will Create More Than 900,000 Arizona Jobs

Despite that: Every 2022 GOP Senate candidate opposes the investments in roads and bridges, clean energy and water, lower prescription…

Wednesday, Sep 22 2021

Round-Up: Broad Bipartisan Support for Biden-Harris Build Back Better Agenda

In the last few weeks, stories from across the country show broad bipartisan support for the Biden-Harris Administration’s Build Back…

Tuesday, Sep 21 2021

The “Cataclysmic” Cost of the GOP’s Debt Ceiling Hypocrisy: 6 Million Jobs, $15 Trillion in Wealth

Today, a new report from the Washington Post details the staggering potential cost of the Republican Party’s attempted sabotage of the full faith…

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