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Wednesday, Jan 28 2015

How Morally Bankrupt is the GOP? Bob Ehrlich's Running For President

Jan 28, 2015

Just how bankrupt is the Republican effort to ditch their brand?  NH1’s Paul Steinhauser writes for the National Journal that the presidential field is so big that even former Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich is running:

Ehrlich plans to make his fourth visit to New Hampshire on Feb. 24, after meeting last week with more than 100 top donors in New York to discuss financing a potential campaign. At those meetings, he discussed setting up a leadership PAC, as a bunch of other probable candidates have done in recent weeks.

It should come as no shock that the GOP is tolerating the sleazy tactics, voter suppression, and convictions in would-be candidate Bob Ehrlich’s record:

  •  Ehrlich’s Police Commissioner Indicted For Misappropriating Money From Charitable Account On “Expensive Meals, Hotels, Gifts […] Romantic Encounters With Several Different Women.” [Washington Post, 12/11/03]
  • Once In Office Erlich’s Campaign Advisers Set Up Nonprofits And Offered “Private Receptions With Ehrlich For As Much As $50,000 To Defray Expenses For The State’s Preakness Parties.” [Washington Post, 3/22/04]
  • Ehrlich Campaign Manager Convicted For Fraudulent Robocall.  [Washington Post, 12/15/11]
  • Ehrlich’s Consultant Also Convicted For Robocall Fraud. [CBS Local, 5/11/12]
  • Baltimore Sun Editorial: Ehrlich Ticket Used Homeless Men “To Hand Out Misleading Fliers In Black Neighborhoods” In 2006 Election.  [Baltimore Sun, 3/18/07]

Published: Jan 28, 2015

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