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Friday, Oct 28 2011

AP: State issues can be tricky for presidential field

Oct 28, 2011

On October 27, 2011, the Associated Press reported:

Mitt Romney gingerly distanced himself from a labor issue on the Ohio ballot one day. The next, he embraced the initiative “110 percent.”

The equivocation not only highlighted his record of shifting positions but also underscored the local political minefields national candidates often confront in their state-by-state path to the presidency.

Candidates visiting Nevada often wade into the debate about where nuclear waste should go. They’re pressed in South Carolina to take a stand on an aircraft maker’s labor dispute. In New Hampshire, they face questions about right-to-work issues. And then there are the perennials, such as ethanol subsidies in Iowa and the Confederate battle flag in South Carolina.


As Romney proved this week, such local issues can trip up even the most cautious candidate, causing headaches for their national campaigns while hurting their standings in important states for both the primary and general elections.

Read the full article here

Published: Oct 28, 2011

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