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Tuesday, Aug 8 2023

American Bridge’s Statement on the Results of Ohio’s Issue 1 Election

Aug 08, 2023

Tonight, Ohioans overwhelmingly rejected the GOP’s attempt to circumvent the will of the people in the Buckeye State. Issue 1 was an attempt by Republicans to change the rules around Constitutional amendments ahead of a vote on abortion access this fall. If successful, future amendments would have needed 60% of the vote instead of a simple majority.

U.S. Senate candidates Frank LaRose, Bernie Moreno, and Matt Dolan have all been all-in on Issue 1 from the start:

American Bridge 21st Century spokesperson Sarah Abel released the following statement:  

“With abortion on the ballot in November, this was a transparent attempt by Ohio Republicans to try and pre-empt the will of the voters — and it failed. Election after election across the country, voters have pushed back on the GOP’s attempts to take reproductive rights away, and this is just the latest example. All three Republican candidates running for U.S. Senate in Ohio should be very worried — they went all in on Issue 1, and voters won’t forget it.”

Published: Aug 8, 2023 | Last Modified: Feb 7, 2024

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