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Tuesday, Sep 16 2014

American Bridge & Correct The Record Launch Joint Rapid Response Project Around Benghazi Select Committee Hearings

Sep 16, 2014

As first reported in Politico, American Bridge and Correct the Record today are launching a new joint rapid response project to prebut, fact check, and respond to the upcoming Benghazi Select Committee hearings. The new effort, modeled after a formal debate operation, will include a central online hub for research and rapid response – the Benghazi Research Center – accessible at

Get the Facts: Benghazi Research Center

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The loss of life in Benghazi was a tragedy but the questions of what happened that night have already been asked and answered. President Obama & Secretary Clinton have taken responsibility, taken action to prevent it from happening again, and been transparent throughout this process. Republicans have no credibility on this issue and are wasting taxpayer dollars on these sham hearings to ask questions that have already been answered, all for political gain: both to drive up their base turnout in 2014 and to go after Secretary Clinton for 2016.

Secretary Clinton has taken responsibility and action. She established a nonpartisan commission of Mike Mullen & Thomas Pickering, who made twenty-nine recommendations to improve security, and she began implementation of them all. She was transparent while doing so and made the report and recommendations public. By deciding to implement the 29 ARB recommendations, Secretary Clinton has done more to get to the bottom of Benghazi, and prevent it from happening again, than any of those who will attack her as part of these sham hearings.

To learn more, visit the Benghazi Research Center at

Published: Sep 16, 2014

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