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Monday, Jul 24 2017

Zero Credibility: Jared Keeps Getting Caught Lying

Jul 24, 2017

In his prepared remarks for the Senate Intelligence Committee, Jared Kushner claims, “I did not collude, nor know of anyone else in the campaign who colluded, with any foreign government. I had no improper contacts.”

But that is in itself demonstrably false. For starters: Kushner knew Don Jr. was looking for Kremlin-proffered dirt on Hillary Clinton, and he eagerly joined Junior and Paul Manafort when they took the meeting with the Russians, knowing, thanks to the email correspondence he was forwarded, that Putin and the Kremlin were pulling for Trump.

The reality is that Jared Kushner has repeatedly lied on his security clearance forms and personal financial disclosure filings — to the extent that nothing that Kushner says can be trusted or taken at face value:

“A lifetime of profiting off of his family’s wealth and connections has led Jared Kushner to mistakenly believe he’s untouchable. But he isn’t: the truth will come out,” said American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah. “Donald Trump Jr. tried to collude with Russia to get his dad elected, and Jared Kushner was right there with him — every step of the way. No amount of Kushner lies can change that.”

Published: Jul 24, 2017

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