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Wednesday, Aug 11 2021

Youngkin Unveils COVID Plan: Make Virginia Florida

Aug 11, 2021

Today, a new report from the American Independent details Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin’s embrace of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ approach to the Covid-19 pandemic, “specifically lauding [his] decision to reopen his state and ban mask-wearing requirements.” 

Florida currently has the worst hospitalization rate in the country thanks to Gov. DeSantis.

“Every time Glenn Youngkin lets slip how he intends to govern it underscores why his campaign has adopted the strategy of trying to keep their candidate’s mouth shut,” said American Bridge 21st Century Spokesperson Max Steele. “The only thing more out of touch than calling President Biden’s American Rescue Plan ‘unnecessary’ is embracing Gov. DeSantis as the role model for pandemic response. At least we now know which candidate coronavirus is voting for.”

On multiple occasions, Youngkin has publicly stated his desire to model Virginia’s pandemic response after Florida, even as the Sunshine State’s Covid-19 death rate climbs higher than that of 32 other states combined

The American Independent: Youngkin repeatedly praised Florida’s COVID response as cases surged

By: Emily Singer | August 11, 2021

Key Points:

  • “Virginia’s Republican gubernatorial nominee Glenn Youngkin has repeatedly praised Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in recent months as a model for COVID-19 mitigation efforts, specifically lauding DeSantis’ decision to reopen his state and ban mask-wearing requirements — even in places where large swaths of the population are ineligible for vaccines.”
  • “As recently as Aug. 6, as COVID-19 cases in Florida were surging, Youngkin told right-wing radio host John Fredericks that he supported DeSantis’ continued decision to ban mask wearing requirements in businesses and schools.”
  • “‘Glenn, if you become governor, would you take a page out of the census book in Florida?’ Fredericks asked, specifically referring to DeSantis’ threat to cut funding from schools that required face coverings. ‘Yeah, I believe this should not be mask mandates in Virginia,’ Youngkin replied. ‘I think these are decisions that should be up to individuals.’”
  • “At a May 5 event with Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz, Youngkin also praised DeSantis’ record on school openings during the pandemic.”
  • “‘I think sometimes governors forget that they need to point out what’s right and wrong,’ Youngkin said. ‘…You watch Ron DeSantis stand up and say what’s right and what’s wrong. And I deeply respect him for that.’”

Read the full report here.


Published: Aug 11, 2021 | Last Modified: Aug 12, 2021

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