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Ron Johnson holds up his hands during a Senate hearing

Climate Change Thursday, Jul 8 2021

WI Coverage: Ron Johnson Caught Lying

Jul 08, 2021

Following recent CNN reporting, news outlets across Wisconsin and the country are highlighting that Ron Johnson was this week caught lying to voters about his views on climate change.

While Johnson last week told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “I am not a climate change denier,” CNN reported Johnson was caught on tape in early June telling a GOP audience that climate change is “bullshit.”

The unapologetic dishonesty from Johnson on this topic — which comes through consistently across news coverage — underscores for Wisconsin voters that Johnson is likely prepared to lie about anything (and it’s not the first time).

Here’s a look at headlines in Wisconsin and across the country:

CNN: GOP Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to GOP luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh*t’

Wisconsin State Journal: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson: Climate change is ‘bull…’

WKOW-TV/ABC Madison: Johnson at June GOP event: climate change is ‘bullsh*t’

WISC-TV/CBS Madison: Video found of Ron Johnson “continuing to deny climate change,” after “last week saying he is not a denier.”

WMTV-TV/NBC Madison: Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican group that climate change is ‘bullsh*t’

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Joe Biden takes a swipe at Ron Johnson’s comments on climate change

CNN Newsroom: “But why is he denying being a denier?”

Business Insider: Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to GOP group that climate change is ‘bullsh–‘ just weeks before deadly heat wave

MSNBC: MaddowBlog: It’s not just COVID: Ron Johnson flunks climate science, too

The Hill: Ron Johnson: Climate change is ‘bullsh–‘

The Daily Beast: Republican Sen. Ron Johnson Caught on Camera Calling Climate Change ‘Bullshit’

The Independent: GOP senator caught mouthing that climate crisis is ‘bulls***’

MarketWatch: Sen. Ron Johnson mouths to Republican luncheon that climate change is ‘bullsh*t’ A GOP senator called climate change “bullshit” after insisting he’s not a climate denier

American Independent: Ron Johnson attacks ‘scaremongers’ for warning people about climate change

IJR: GOP Senator Tells GOP Group Climate Change Is ‘Bullsh*t’

Published: Jul 8, 2021

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