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Wednesday, Feb 29 2012

[UPDATED] Which Is It, Mitt? Romney Website Promotes Two Contradictory Tax Policies.

Feb 29, 2012

Romney versus Romney on taxes

We all expected Mitt Romney would flip-flop on many issues during the course of a long campaign in which he’s desperate to appease the GOP base. We just thought he’d be better at covering his tracks.

On one page of his website, Mitt Romney promotes an economic plan that stresses how important it is to maintain marginal tax rates at the current level. [Screenshot available here.]  Yet just a few clicks away, the website promote a different tax plan that seeks to reduce marginal tax rates across the board. [Screenshot available here.]

Which is it, Mitt?

We knew that Mitt Romney doesn’t agree with the Mitt Romney of 10 years ago, but apparently he can’t even agree with the Mitt Romney of today.


UPDATE (3:15 p.m. ET): Romney has updated his site to hide his tracks, but he forgot to update the tax plan in his full economic policy proposal. Oops again! [Screenshot available here.]

Published: Feb 29, 2012

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