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Monday, Jul 20 2015

What The Donald Made You Miss In Ames

Jul 20, 2015

The headlines out of this weekend’s Family Leadership Summit in Ames were dominated by Donald Trump’s tranformation into an insult comic, but he was just one of nine Republican candidates addressing the crowd. Here’s a look at what the rest of the field was saying:

Marco Rubio 
Raising the retirement age, privatizing Medicare:  Video
President Obama is killing too many terrorists:  Video
Donald Trump
Ripping Common Core:  Video
Quadrupling down on his comments about Mexicans:  Video
Leaving the door open for a third party run:  Video
Jeb Bush would have no chance negotiating against China:  Video
Ben Carson
Calling for troops on the ground to fight ISIS:  Video
Calling for an across the board federal spending cut:  Video
Ted Cruz 
Burning Frank Luntz by asking who wants a conservative president:  Video
Standing ovation for defunding Planned Parenthood:  Video
Standing ovation for bashing the Supreme Court:  Video
Standing ovation for revoking Obama’s executive orders:  Video
The US would be the largest financier of terrorism:  Video
Rick Perry
It’s not the federal government’s job to run health care or education:  Video
Lindsey Graham 
Bashing Iowa’s roads:  Video
Missing George W. Bush:  Video
Bobby Jindal 
Religious liberty and overruling the Supreme Court:  Video
Ending Common Core, limiting the EPA and DOJ:  Video
Rick Santorum
Legal immigration cuts:  Video, Tweet 
Scott Walker 
Supporting a constitutional amendment to allow states to ban gay marriage:  Video
Anti-legal immigration comments:  Video
Defunding Planned Parenthood:  Video

Published: Jul 20, 2015

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